During the past few weeks in the FT, the "Right Thinking" warriors of the Republican party have laid out their manifesto in broadly appealing principles rendered so gauzily as to nearly erase from history the hard-edged specifics that some of these same authors have sworn allegiance to.
But then the memories of GOP dogma kick in: vast, unaffordable tax cuts; evisceration of social welfare programmes; deep cuts in spending on practically everything else, from food stamps to national parks; steadfast opposition to gay marriage; intimations of harsh treatment of the US's 11m illegal immigrants.
And on and on. The contrast between the high-minded commentary that appeared in these pages and pre-existing policy proposals could not be starker.
Proving that his silver tongue is matched by a silver pen, Congressman Paul Ryan issued a call to "restructure" entitlements so "important programmes can succeed well into the 21st century".
国会议员保罗•瑞安(Paul Ryan)呼吁对福利进行"重组",以使"重要的计划能在21世纪晚些时候取得成功"。这证明他的出色口才与非凡文笔不相上下。
In fact, what he has proposed in his draft budget is to transform Medicare from an entitlement programme in which seniors receive the care that they need into a voucher plan in which the elderly would receive a fixed allotment to buy their own insurance. If that amount proves insufficient or the insurance does not deliver adequate coverage, well, tough luck!
Medicaid, healthcare for the poor, would suffer a different, but equally disabling fate. It would be turned over to cash-starved states, the fiscal equivalent of being sent to the knacker for execution.
Meanwhile, Glenn Hubbard says the US needs to fix its riddled tax code and get its fiscal house in order. Well, of course it does; every sentient American knows that. But Mr Hubbard blithely ignores the plan put forth by Governor Mitt Romney, who he is advising: 20 per cent across the board tax cuts costing $2.8tn over the ensuing decade, to be paid for by closing loopholes that Mr Romney has refused to specify (apart from two minor items.) Even in a cynical age, that is cynicism of mind-boggling proportion.
与此同时,格伦•哈伯德(Glenn Hubbard)表示,美国需要修复其漏洞百出的税法,整顿好财政状况。美国当然需要这么做;每一位有认知能力的美国人都清楚这一点。但哈伯德心不在焉地忽略了马萨诸塞州州长米特•罗姆尼(Mitt Romney)提出的计划——罗姆尼提议:在接下来的十年里对所有美国人减税20%,由此造成的2.8万亿美元亏空将通过堵住一些漏洞(他拒绝点明到底是哪些漏洞,除了两个小项目)来弥补。即便是在一个玩世不恭的时代,这种程度的玩世不恭也超出了人们的想象。
The Romney/Hubbard tax plan would not result in net additional revenues, which means reducing the deficit would require spending reductions on a massive and – I believe – politically unacceptable and socially undesirable scale.
Finally, Mr Hubbard offers up the thoroughly discredited argument that deficit reduction can spur near-term economic growth. He should ask the British (or the eurozone members) how that austerity stuff is working out for them.
Amid all the disingenuousness lie a few hopeful wisps.
Maine Senator Olympia Snowe's cri de coeur for the GOP to retreat from its extremism to a centre right position is welcome – even coming on the eve of her retirement – as is the estimable Jon Huntsman's call to embrace the progressivism of Theodore Roosevelt, a giant widely admired across party lines.
缅因州参议员奥林匹亚•斯诺(Olympia Snowe)强烈呼吁共和党从极端主义退到中右翼立场,这一表态值得欢迎——尽管她即将退休。同样值得欢迎的是,受人尊敬的洪博培(Jon Huntsman)呼吁接受西奥多•罗斯福(Theodore Roosevelt)的进步主义。罗斯福是一位受到两党普遍尊重的伟人。
But that same Teddy Roosevelt was the first president to espouse national healthcare, while Mr Huntsman, a former Utah governor, advocated repeal of ObamaCare during the Republican primaries. Now he says full repeal of ObamaCare is "unlikely" and wants the "pointless sound bites" dropped.
Barack Obama mostly escaped a direct lashing. Instead, Republicans were sure to include code words to subtly identify the incumbent's alleged failures: "defeatism", "crony capitalism", "ad hoc responses", "bureaucrats" and the like.
巴拉克•奥巴马(Barack Obama)通常不会遭受直接的抨击。相反,共和党人肯定会用一些代名词隐晦地指出现任总统的所谓失败,比如"失败主义"、"裙带资本主义"、"特别回应"、"官僚"等等。
In fact, Mr Obama is far closer to the right approach than his Republican nemeses. Putting in place a long-term deficit reduction plan is an urgent priority but it should be balanced between tax increases and spending cuts and phased in gradually, just as a speeding car should be decelerated slowly.
US spending on social welfare programmes can be curbed humanely, without gutting the social safety net. And of course policy certainty would benefit business and consumers alike. But let's put the blame for the current drifting where it belongs: on Congress.
By all means go back and read the Right Thinking series, just also be sure to read the transcripts of the Republican presidential debates and the policy papers of Mr Ryan, Mr Romney and others who form the true core of the Republican party.
The writer is a former counsellor to the US Secretary of the Treasury