Apple's chief executive, Tim Cook, has said he is "extremely sorry for the frustration" users have found with its new mapping service, adding that if they are dissatisfied they can use rival products.
苹果首席执行官蒂姆•库克表示,用户已经发现其新的地图服务的错误,他 “对此非常抱歉”,补充说如果他们不满意,可以使用竞争对手的产品。
The dramatic move by Cook follows growing complaints about the quality of the data offered by the new Maps app which was introduced with iOS 6, the newest version of the mobile software powering the iPhone and iPad.
这戏剧性的一幕发生在iOS 6系统的新地图应用提供的数据质量遭到不断抱怨之后,iOS 6是支持iPhone和iPad的移动软件新版本。
"We are doing everything we can to make Maps better," Cook wrote in a letter posted on Apple's site – a method frequently used by Cook's predecessor Steve Jobs to issue messages when Apple was facing criticism.
Apple has apologised in the past for errors – though sometimes grudgingly.
苹果公司已经为过去的错误道歉 - 尽管有时并不情愿。
Cook says in the letter that "we wanted to provide our customers with even better Maps including features such as turn-by-turn directions, voice integration, [satellite view] Flyover and vector-based maps [which store data in a single file rather than needing repeated downloads to work]. In order to do this, we had to create a new version of Maps from the ground up."
Although iOS 6 was only released formally on 19 September, Cook says there are now more than 100m devices using it with the new Apple Maps, "with more and more joining us every day." He said that users "have already searched for nearly half a billion locations" and that such feedback will improve the quality.
库克说,虽然iOS6在 9月19日才正式发布,但目前已有超过1亿部iOS设备使用新版苹果地图,每天还有更多用户加入。他说用户已经搜索了近5亿个位置。这种反馈将提高产品质量。
Unusually, Cook recommends that users who are dissatisfied with Apple's offering should try rival services. These include apps by MapQuest, Waze and Microsoft's Bing, or maps from Google and Nokia via web browsers.
However, Google's executive chairman, Eric Schmidt, indicated earlier this week that the search giant is not presently developing an app for iOS.
''What were we going to do, force (Apple) to include the software?" Schmidt said in Tokyo on Monday, adding that Google has no plans at present to complete its iOS Google Maps app and submit it to Apple. That decision lies with Apple, Schmidt said.
''We think it would have been better if they had kept ours. But what do I know?" he added.