From vintage Valentino to her vast LBD collection, Julia Roberts has remained one of the best-dressed actresses of her generation.
On Sunday, the award-winning star turns 45 years old.To celebrate her big day, Celebuzz has compiled some of Roberts’ best looks. Ever.
When Roberts took home the Oscar for best actress in 2001, the Erin Brockovich star probably got more attention for her stunning black-and-white Valentino number.In 2011, the iconic dress was voted the third greatest in history in a poll conducted by UK retail store Debenhams, behind Elizabeth Hurley’s Versace safety-pin dress from 1994 and Audrey Hepburn’s Givenchy floral outfit at the 1954 Oscars.
2001年,茱莉亚罗伯茨凭借影片《永不妥协》终于捧回奥斯卡最佳女主角奖,而在颁奖仪式上,人们更多的把关注放在了她收藏的瓦伦蒂诺黑白配服装的数量上面。Debenhams 百货于2011年举行了一项针对美国人的民意测验,选出了他们所认为的历史上偶像们最具魅力的着装。继1994年以来的伊丽莎白赫利的低胸别针晚装和1954年奥黛丽赫本在奥斯卡颁奖典礼上穿的纪梵希花瓣式礼服之后,茱莉亚罗伯茨成为了第三个荣登此位的明星。
Other memorable looks have included Roberts’ pink satin gown from the 1998 Stepmom premiere in New York City and her Giorgio Armani champagne gown worn at the 2004 Academy Awards.