n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的
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Mr Dombey said 'Indeed?' with frigid indifference: mingled perhaps with some contemptuous incredulity as to Miss Tox having the presumption to harbour such a superior quality. | 董贝先生说了声:“真的吗?”他是冷冷淡淡、漠不关心的,其中也许还夹杂着由于轻蔑而产生的不信任:托克斯小姐怎么竟胆敢怀有野心这样高超的品质呢? |
'That woman, Sir,' said the Major, 'is, in her way, a Lucifer. Joey B. has had his day, Sir, but he keeps his eyes. He sees, does Joe. His Royal Highness the late Duke of York observed of Joey, at a levee, that he saw.' | “先生,”少校说,“那个女人就她的本性来说是个恶魔。乔埃·白的好日子已经过去了,但是他的眼睛是继续注视着的。他洞察一切,乔就是这样的。已故的约克郡公爵殿下有一次在早朝中谈到乔的时候曾经说过,他洞察一切。” |
The Major accompanied this with such a look, and, between eating, drinking, hot tea, devilled grill, muffins, and meaning, was altogether so swollen and inflamed about the head, that even Mr Dombey showed some anxiety for him. | 少校在讲这些话的时候,露出一副异乎寻常的神色;当他在喝热茶、吃辣子烤肉、松饼和进行意味深长的谈话中间,头是那么兴奋和激怒,甚至连董贝先生也为他表示几分忧虑。 |
'That ridiculous old spectacle, Sir,' pursued the Major, 'aspires. She aspires sky—high, Sir. Matrimonially, Dombey.' | “先生,”少校继续说道,“那个可笑的老女人想要高攀。她想要高攀到天上,先生。在婚姻上,董贝。” |
'I am sorry for her,' said Mr Dombey. | “我为她感到遗憾。”董贝先生说道。 |
'Don't say that, Dombey,' returned the Major in a warning voice. | “别说那个,董贝,”少校用警告的声调说道。 |
'Why should I not, Major?' said Mr Dombey. | “为什么不说,少校?”董贝先生问道。 |
The Major gave no answer but the horse's cough, and went on eating vigorously. | 少校除了发出像马的咳嗽一样的声音外,没有回答别的,并起劲吃着。 |
'She has taken an interest in your household,' said the Major, stopping short again, 'and has been a frequent visitor at your house for some time now.' | “她对您的家已经产生了兴趣,”少校又停止吃东西,说道,“好些时间以来,她一直是您家的常客。” |
'Yes,' replied Mr Dombey with great stateliness, 'Miss Tox was originally received there, at the time of Mrs Dombey's death, as a friend of my sister's; and being a well—behaved person, and showing a liking for the poor infant, she was permitted — may I say encouraged — to repeat her visits with my sister, and gradually to occupy a kind of footing of familiarity in the family. I have,' said Mr Dombey, in the tone of a man who was making a great and valuable concession, 'I have a respect for Miss Tox. She his been so obliging as to render many little services in my house: trifling and insignificant services perhaps, Major, but not to be disparaged on that account: and I hope I have had the good fortune to be enabled to acknowledge them by such attention and notice as it has been in my power to bestow. I hold myself indebted to Miss Tox, Major,' added Mr Dombey, with a slight wave of his hand, 'for the pleasure of your acquaintance.' | “是的,”董贝先生极为庄严地回答道,“托克斯小姐最初是在董贝夫人逝世时,作为我妹妹的一位朋友,在我家受到接待的。由于她是个举止得当、很有礼貌的人,对那个可怜的婴儿又表示喜爱,所以我允许她,可以说是我鼓励她,跟我妹妹一道,经常不断地到我家来拜访,并逐渐地跟这个家庭建立了一种亲近融洽的关系。我,”董贝先生说,他的声调是作出重大的、有价值的让步的人才会有的,“我尊敬托克斯小姐。她很殷勤地在我家里帮了很多小忙,也许这些都是鸡毛蒜皮、微不足道的小忙,少校,但不应当因为这个缘故而贬损它们。我希望我有幸能在我的力量所及的范围内给予注意和关切,以表示感谢。我认为我自己就是多亏了托克斯小姐,少校,”董贝先生轻轻地挥着手,接下去说道,“才有幸跟您相识的。” |
'Dombey,' said the Major, warmly: 'no! No, Sir! Joseph Bagstock can never permit that assertion to pass uncontradicted. Your knowledge of old Joe, Sir, such as he is, and old Joe's knowledge of you, Sir, had its origin in a noble fellow, Sir — in a great creature, Sir. Dombey!' said the Major, with a struggle which it was not very difficult to parade, his whole life being a struggle against all kinds of apoplectic symptoms, 'we knew each other through your boy.' | “董贝,”少校激昂地说道,“不,不,先生!约瑟夫·白格斯托克不能不对这种说法提出异议。您认识老乔,先生,以及老乔认识您,先生,根源都是由于一位高贵的人,先生,一位卓越非凡的人儿,先生,”少校说道,一边显露出内心痛苦斗争的表情;要做到这一点在他是不难的,因为他这一生都是在跟各种中风的症候作斗争;“董贝,我们是通过您的男孩子而相互认识的。” |
Mr Dombey seemed touched, as it is not improbable the Major designed he should be, by this allusion. He looked down and sighed: and the Major, rousing himself fiercely, again said, in reference to the state of mind into which he felt himself in danger of falling, that this was weakness, and nothing should induce him to submit to it. | 董贝先生听到他的这句暗示似乎很受感动(很可能少校有意指望他会这样)。他低垂着眼睛,叹了一口气;少校呢,猛烈地振作起精神;当提到他觉得他本人有危险陷入那种痛苦心情时,他再次说,这是个弱点,没有什么能诱使他向它屈服。 |
'Our friend had a remote connexion with that event,' said the Major, 'and all the credit that belongs to her, J. B. is willing to give her, Sir. Notwithstanding which, Ma'am,' he added, raising his eyes from his plate, and casting them across Princess's Place, to where Miss Tox was at that moment visible at her window watering her flowers, 'you're a scheming jade, Ma'am, and your ambition is a piece of monstrous impudence. If it only made yourself ridiculous, Ma'am,' said the Major, rolling his head at the unconscious Miss Tox, while his starting eyes appeared to make a leap towards her, 'you might do that to your heart's content, Ma'am, without any objection, I assure you, on the part of Bagstock.' Here the Major laughed frightfully up in the tips of his ears and in the veins of his head. 'But when, Ma'am,' said the Major, 'you compromise other people, and generous, unsuspicious people too, as a repayment for their condescension, you stir the blood of old Joe in his body.' | “我们的朋友与我们之间的认识只有间接的关系,”少校说道,“凡是属于她的功劳,乔·白是乐意给她的,先生。尽管如此,夫人,”他接着说,一边抬起眼睛,越过公主广场,望过去,这时可以看见托克斯小姐正在窗口浇花,“您是个女流氓,夫人,您的野心无耻到了极点。如果这仅仅使您自己滑稽可笑,夫人,”少校向一无所知的托克斯小姐摇晃着脑袋说道,这时他那鼓鼓的眼睛好像要跳向她身上去似的,“您满可以痛痛快快地那样做,我敢向您保证,白格斯托克决不会有任何反对。”这时少校可怕地哈哈大笑,连耳朵尖和头上的血管都震颤起来了,“可是,夫人,”少校说道,“当您损害别人,而且损害的是宽宏大量、毫无猜疑的人,来报答他们对您屈尊俯就的厚意,那么您就叫老乔身上的血液沸腾起来了。” |
Mr Dombey said 'Indeed?' with frigid indifference: mingled perhaps with some contemptuous incredulity as to Miss Tox having the presumption to harbour such a superior quality.
'That woman, Sir,' said the Major, 'is, in her way, a Lucifer. Joey B. has had his day, Sir, but he keeps his eyes. He sees, does Joe. His Royal Highness the late Duke of York observed of Joey, at a levee, that he saw.'
The Major accompanied this with such a look, and, between eating, drinking, hot tea, devilled grill, muffins, and meaning, was altogether so swollen and inflamed about the head, that even Mr Dombey showed some anxiety for him.
'That ridiculous old spectacle, Sir,' pursued the Major, 'aspires. She aspires sky—high, Sir. Matrimonially, Dombey.'
'I am sorry for her,' said Mr Dombey.
'Don't say that, Dombey,' returned the Major in a warning voice.
'Why should I not, Major?' said Mr Dombey.
The Major gave no answer but the horse's cough, and went on eating vigorously.
'She has taken an interest in your household,' said the Major, stopping short again, 'and has been a frequent visitor at your house for some time now.'
'Yes,' replied Mr Dombey with great stateliness, 'Miss Tox was originally received there, at the time of Mrs Dombey's death, as a friend of my sister's; and being a well—behaved person, and showing a liking for the poor infant, she was permitted — may I say encouraged — to repeat her visits with my sister, and gradually to occupy a kind of footing of familiarity in the family. I have,' said Mr Dombey, in the tone of a man who was making a great and valuable concession, 'I have a respect for Miss Tox. She his been so obliging as to render many little services in my house: trifling and insignificant services perhaps, Major, but not to be disparaged on that account: and I hope I have had the good fortune to be enabled to acknowledge them by such attention and notice as it has been in my power to bestow. I hold myself indebted to Miss Tox, Major,' added Mr Dombey, with a slight wave of his hand, 'for the pleasure of your acquaintance.'
'Dombey,' said the Major, warmly: 'no! No, Sir! Joseph Bagstock can never permit that assertion to pass uncontradicted. Your knowledge of old Joe, Sir, such as he is, and old Joe's knowledge of you, Sir, had its origin in a noble fellow, Sir — in a great creature, Sir. Dombey!' said the Major, with a struggle which it was not very difficult to parade, his whole life being a struggle against all kinds of apoplectic symptoms, 'we knew each other through your boy.'
Mr Dombey seemed touched, as it is not improbable the Major designed he should be, by this allusion. He looked down and sighed: and the Major, rousing himself fiercely, again said, in reference to the state of mind into which he felt himself in danger of falling, that this was weakness, and nothing should induce him to submit to it.
'Our friend had a remote connexion with that event,' said the Major, 'and all the credit that belongs to her, J. B. is willing to give her, Sir. Notwithstanding which, Ma'am,' he added, raising his eyes from his plate, and casting them across Princess's Place, to where Miss Tox was at that moment visible at her window watering her flowers, 'you're a scheming jade, Ma'am, and your ambition is a piece of monstrous impudence. If it only made yourself ridiculous, Ma'am,' said the Major, rolling his head at the unconscious Miss Tox, while his starting eyes appeared to make a leap towards her, 'you might do that to your heart's content, Ma'am, without any objection, I assure you, on the part of Bagstock.' Here the Major laughed frightfully up in the tips of his ears and in the veins of his head. 'But when, Ma'am,' said the Major, 'you compromise other people, and generous, unsuspicious people too, as a repayment for their condescension, you stir the blood of old Joe in his body.'

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