Chinese Internet users have been imitating the hand signals used by crew members on the country’s first aircraft carrier, the Liaoning, in celebration of a crucial breakthrough in the country’s move toward a deep-sea navy.
The gesture, stepping forward in a low bend and pointing with two fingers on one hand, was made by two crew members on the carrier’s flight deck, giving the go-ahead to the pilot of a Chinese J-15 fighter jet who succeeded in the country’s first take-off and landing from an aircraft carrier.

Nicknamed “Carrier Style”, it has been deemed “cool, powerful and confident as well as amusing and comical” by netizens who uploaded pictures showing various situation using this gesture. Carrier Style rapidly eclipsed the online craze for the Gangnam Style music video after which it was named.
绰号“航母 Style”,网友认为它“酷、强大和自信,以及有趣和滑稽”,网友上传了在不同场合使用这个姿势的图片。“航母 Style”用了“江南 Style”名字的风格,并迅速超越它的网络红度。
来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201212/212148.shtml