As previously reported, Dan Stevens has left the British sensation, bowing out after the Christmas special that recently aired in England and which left viewers stunned over the death of Matthew Crawley.
But Mary will only be mourning the loss of her husband for so long, TV Line reports, as the series is seeking a good-looking thirty-something actor to come on board as Lord Anthony Gillingham, a character who will debut on Downton Abbey Season 4 and court the new mother.
但根据TV Line的报道,根据剧情安排,大小姐用来哀悼丈夫离世的时间可能不会太长,据悉该剧正在寻找一位英俊的30多岁的男演员加入,出演Lord Anthony Gillingham一角,这个人物将在第四季首次登场,追求刚成为人母的大小姐Lady Mary.
Moreover, producers are already considering Gillingham to play a role on Season 5. Sounds like things will be getting serious!
Abbey EP Gareth Neame told TVLine in a recent interview that Steven’s exit created a “dramatic opportunity” for Michelle Dockery’s alter ego, adding, “In any relationship drama, the will-they-or-won’t-they is always more interesting than married couples. So actually what we’ve been able to do is reset [Lady Mary]. She has to start again, and that will be much more interesting.”
《唐顿庄园》的制片人盖瑞斯·尼姆之前在接受TV Line的采访中表示,丹·史蒂文斯的离开,为饰演Lady Mary的英国演员米歇尔·道克瑞提供了一个“非常好的机会”挑战自我。他还说道:“在任何涉及到情感关系的剧集中,分分合合的纠结总是比已婚夫妻的剧情更有趣。所以我们会为Lady Mary重新设定,她需要重新开始,这也会更有趣得多。”