This month's court decision in the Li Yang domestic abuse divorce case has caused me to reflect back to what was the most troubled and confusing relationship of my own life.
While the abuse in my case was never as severe as what Li Yang's wife faced, still my relationship forced me to deeply question to what lengths I would allow myself to be mistreated.
I've never publicly spoken or written about that relationship as it's such a personal matter. But if my story can help one person get out of a dangerous situation, I'm willing to share it.
Understanding abuse
When we think of abuse, we often think of those horrible news stories and Weibo photos of women who've been physically disfigured by abuse.
But not all abuse is physical. While women are more commonly the victims of abuse, men also are often victims- especially of emotional abuse. And emotional abuse can be just as destructive, and even more confusing to understand.
然而,并不是所有的虐待都是身体上的。而且,虽然女性更经常成为虐待的受害者,但男性也常常是受害者──特别是精神虐待(emotional abuse)的受害者。精神虐待可能带来同样的破坏性,甚至更令人费解。
It's confusing because often the hardest step in getting away from abuse is recognizing when a relationship is abusive. After all, you can't address a problem you don't know is there. That's why it's so useful that in his book The New Rules of Marriage, best-selling author and psychologist Dr. Terrence Real defines abuse:
精神虐待令人费解是因为在摆脱虐待的过程中,最困难的一步就是识别它。毕竟,对尚未意识到的问题,你无从下手。心理学家特伦斯?里尔博士(Terrence Real)在其畅销书《婚姻新规则》(The New Rules of Marriage)中对虐待行为做出了如下定义:
Yelling and screaming
Name-calling: Any sentence that begins with 'You are a...'
Shaming or humiliating: Communicating that someone is a bad or worthless person. Ridiculing someone, mocking, being sarcastic, humoring or being patronizing.
Telling another adult what she should do, or how she should think or feel.
Making promises and breaking them.
Lying or manipulating: Deliberately falsifying information or dishonestly changing your behavior in an attempt to control your partner, for example: 'Don't worry about me. I'll be fine out here in the rain. You go have a good time.'
When I read this definition, my first reaction was:
These behaviors are abuse?
But they happen all the time!
But then I thought: he's right.
The behaviors he outlines are warning signs that a physically abusive relationship may develop. And, in and of themselves, they ARE abuse.