Travel in China can rattle even veteran travelers. This is understandable. China is a huge country with enough languages and dialects to leave even many native Chinese flummoxed at the thought of communicating away from home.
But traveling here isn't scary, and it's not unmanageable. Traveling for the past few years from my home base in Shanghai, I've picked up a lot of tips --both from my own experiences and from others -- that make life on the road in China a little bit easier and a lot more rewarding.
1. Score extra beds the easy way
Chinese hotels aren't too fussy when it comes to matching the number of beds to the number of people, particularly when the extra bodies are children. For families, this can save a lot of cash. Rather than needing two rooms, a family of four can get cozy in a twin room, where both beds are the same size as a regular double bed.
2. Follow proper currency protocol
Don't insult a Shanghai taxi driver by burdening him with small change, such as 1 yuan or 5 jiao notes. He likes the jingle of coins. Conversely, in northern and western China, expect market vendors to reject coins outright. They only like paper money no matter how small the denomination.
3. Use the best language app for travelers
Pleco is the best Chinese language app for travelers. The basic dictionary app is free. It costs US$14.95 to buy the optical character recognition function (compatible with the iPhone 4 or 5 camera). Point the iPhone at a Chinese menu and get an instant translation.
4. Customize your gifts
Have fine items made by hand and to order -- a neon sign of your name, pair of riding boots, set of sheets, oak cabinet, silk quilt or cashmere coat. China is the land of possibilities. If you can dream it, someone can make it.
The Shandong Juancheng Neon-Plasma Tech company make customized neon signs in one week and will ship anywhere. www.chinaneonsign.en.alibaba.com
5. Use the best guides to offbeat China
China Little T(r)ips is a series of guides for those who want to get off the well-worn tourist path in China, but don't have the inside knowledge or the language skills to do so.
中国小贴士(China Little T(r)ips)是一套系列导游书,适合那些既想避开游客泛滥的景点,但又对中国的内情和语言了解不多的游客。
These guides to Inner Mongolia, Gansu and soon Sichuan and Qinghai contain detailed itineraries, maps and language cards specific for each stage of the trip. Inner Mongolia Guide RMB 78 (US$12.50), ebook RMB 45 (US$7), www.chinalittletrips.com
6. Order rice the right way
Rice is rarely served during a meal in Chinese restaurants, being seen as a cheap way to fill up at the end if needed. Anyone wanting rice with his or her meal should make it clear to the waiter by saying: mifan (rice) mashang (straight away).
7. Toilet paper reminder
Toilet tissue is rarely found in public restrooms in China. Carry your own supplies.
8. Sidestep difficult breakfasts
Outside of large cities and internationally branded hotels, Chinese hotel breakfasts cater exclusively to the local market. This is no issue for anyone fond of congee and pickles, but can be an unimaginable hurdle for children or picky eaters. Bring a box of their favorite cereal and a few small cartons of milk and everyone starts the day happy. Most hotels don't mind.
9. Don't worry -- it's safe
9 不用担心,中国很安全。
China is nowhere near as terrifying as many guidebooks would have you believe. Yes, the traffic is chaotic and the air could be better -- much better -- but China is one of the safest countries in the world for female travelers, solo travelers and families.
10. Give -- and get -- instant gratification
Those traveling in rural China often wish to give a small gift to locals they meet, but are unsure of what might be considered appropriate. A portrait delivered instantly on a Polaroid camera is a much-appreciated, on-the-spot gift. Fujifilm Instax Mini 7 Polaroid camera retails for around RMB 400 (US$62) from large electronics retailers.
在中国农村旅行的游客常常希望送一点小礼物给遇到的当地人,但不知道送什么礼物才合适。人们很喜欢宝丽来立拍得拍摄的照片,可以把它作为当场可以送出去的礼物。在大型的电气零售店里,富士Instax Mini 7 宝丽来相机的售价大约为400元人民币。