In the time it takes you to read this story, more than 600 Boeing 737s will have landed or taken off, somewhere in the world.
This week, Boeing delievered its 7,500th 737, to Malaysia-based Malindo Air. There are a further 3,100 orders for 737s, making it the most commercially successful air liner in history.
Boeing's 737 output single-handedly outnumbers the entire Airbus fleet. And the plane recently got a new engine and a new "Sky Interior."
The hype surrounding Boeing's workhorse can't compare to that of the Airbus A380 (the largest jet ever built) or the Boeing 747-8 (the longest) or the Boeing 787 (the most high-tech).
It's not glamorous, it's not eccentric, and it's often overshadowed by its bigger, sparklier peers. But the 737's success lies in its ability to continually reinvent itself.
The original series
The first 737 -- the 100 model -- entered service in February 1968. With a typical two-class seating capacity of 85 and a range of only 2,850 kilometers, the 737-100 wasn't terribly popular.
Launched simultaneously, however, was the 200 model. With slight increases in length and fuel capacity, the 200 could carry 97 passengers up to 3,500 kilometers on roughly the same amount of fuel. A far better proposition for airlines, Boeing sold 1,114 of the 200 model, compared with just 30 of its 100s.
Superseding the 737-200 was the 200 Advanced, with technological improvements to thrust-reversal, flaps and two larger, more fuel-efficient engines, giving operators yet another 15 percent increase in payload and range.
替代737-200飞机的是200 Advanced(200先进型),这个型号的飞机对反冲、襟翼做了技术改进,使用了两个更大,更省油的引擎,为营运商增加了15%的载荷和航程。
The classic era
In the early 1980s, Boeing completed its first major overhaul of the jet, with the release of three new models in what is now called the “Classic” series. The updated aircraft offered more power, more range, more seats and a shiny, new, digital flight deck.
The 737 Classics were up to 36.5 meters long, 20 percent longer than the popular 737-200, and had a range of 4,200 kilometers or more with 25 percent better fuel efficiency.
The catch for the new, more-powerful jets was that they were too big to fit on the wings, resulting in a redesign into a shape aptly dubbed the “hamster pouch.” Even so, the jets still had an uncomfortably shallow 46 centimeter ground clearance.
The Classics also inherited the then-new 757's funky new interior. All together, 1,988 Boeing 737-300s, -400s and -500s were built.