Ideally, gender wouldn't affect the jobs people train for and get, or how they are compensated. But we're certainly not there yet. At the same time, certain American jobs have shifted from majority male to majority female over the past few decades. Here are five professions that, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, women rule.
在理想状态下,性别不应该影响人们为之接受培训之后而得到的工作,或者影响人们的报酬。但我们现在还远远没有达到这样的理想状态。与此同时,在过去几十年间的美国,个别职业从男性占多数变成了女性占统治地位。以下是美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)公布的五种由女性统治的职业。
The first North American pharmacy school, The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy, was founded in 1821. The first woman didn't graduate from the school until 1883, when Susan Hayhurst received her degree. Later on, she led the pharmaceutical department of the Women's Hospital of Philadelphia. Every class following Hayhurst graduated at least one woman.
美国第一所药剂学院——费城药剂学院(The Philadelphia College of Pharmacy)成立于1821年。直到1883年,才有第一位女性从这所学院毕业并获得学位,她就是苏珊?海赫斯特。后来,她成为费城女子医院(Women's Hospital of Philadelphia)药学部的负责人。她之后的每个班级,都有至少一名女性成功毕业。
The pharmacy student population skewed male for quite some time. As recently as 1983, only 27% of pharmacists were women, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. But over the past 30 years or so, the gender breakdown has shifted. As of fall 2011, 60% of students enrolled in pharmacy professional degree programs were women, according to the American Association of colleges of Pharmacy. In 2012, women made up 54% of practicing pharmacists nationwide.
药剂学学生一直以男性居多。据美国劳工统计局统计,1983年,女性药剂师的比例仅占27%。但在过去三十年,这个行业的性别比例却发生了翻天覆地的变化。据美国药剂学院协会(American Association of colleges of Pharmacy)公布的数字,至2011年秋,报名攻读药剂师专业学位的学生中,60%为女性。2012年,女性占美国执业药剂师的比例已经高达54%。
In 1896, New York issued the first official qualification test for certified public accountants. Three years later, Christine Ross, who was born in Nova Scotia, became the first certified female accountant in the United States. For years after Ross gained her certificate, it was tough for women to enter the field.
As of 1983, women began to gain ground in the profession, making up 39% of accountants in the U.S. workforce, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. By 2012, 60% of accountants were women. That's not to say that all hurdles have been removed -- as of 2011, only 21% of partners at accounting firms were women, according to a 2012 report from Catalyst.
Physician assistants
Duke University's Eugene Stead launched the first physician assistant's program in 1965 to address two problems. On the one hand, there was a shortage of primary care physicians across the country. On the other, men were leaving the military with medical training and no clear way to apply it to civilian life. In 1975, an independent organization called the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants was founded to oversee certification for the profession.
杜克大学(Duke University)的尤金在1965年启动了第一个医师助理项目。项目主要为了解决两个问题:一方面,美国的初级保健医生人才短缺;另一方面,接受过医疗培训的士兵在退役之后却没有明确的途径能把他们掌握的技能应用于平民生活。1975年,一家名为美国医师助理认证委员会(National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants)的独立机构成立,对这个职业的认证进行监督。
In the '60s and '70s, most PA's were men, but the ratio has shifted. In 1983, the Bureau of Labor Statistics data says that about 35% of physician assistants in the country were women. Today, roughly 70% of PA's are women. Part of that might have to do with the fact that it is more lucrative, on average, for women to become PA's than doctors. A 2012 Yale study suggested that female PA's might end up earning more than women doctors, given the cost of education and the wage gap between male and female physicians.
Dorothea Lange, Annie Leibovitz, and Cindy Sherman are household names to the art-friendly. But while women have trained as great photographers since the turn of the 20th century, photography has been a predominately male profession. In 1983, only 20% of photographers were women.
Today, the gender balance in the job is about 50/50, according to a 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics report. That 50/50 split does not extend to pay, though. According to a report released in 2008 by the National Endowment for the Arts, the median income for male photographers, as of 2005, was $35,000. The median income for female photographers was less than half as much, $16,300.
如今,据2012年劳工统计局的报告显示,摄影师职业已经达到性别平衡。然而,数量上的平衡并没有带动薪酬的变化。据美国国家艺术基金(National Endowment for the Arts)2008年公布的一份报告显示,截至2005年,男性摄影师的平均收入为35,000美元。而女性摄影师的收入则还不足男性的一半,仅有16,300美元。
Bartending was among the many professions that women took on when men were drafted to fight in World War II. Upon returning home, however, soldiers wanted their old jobs back, and they successfully lobbied for laws in several states that banned women from tending bar. In fact, California's law prohibiting female bartenders was only repealed in 1971. As of 1983, almost half of all bartenders were female, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
Today, while the restaurant industry is male-dominated, there are more female barkeeps than men, nationwide. About 60% of American bartenders are women, according to a 2012 Bureau of Labor Statistics report. The trade, overall, is becoming increasingly technical, thanks to the rise of the cocktail and the modern mixology movement.