Yellow fingers
The nicotine in cigarette smoke can not only make your teeth (and the walls of your home) brown, but it’s also notorious for staining fingers and nails as well.
香烟中的尼古丁不仅会使你的牙齿和你家的墙变成褐色,众所周知它还使指甲变色 。
If you search the Internet, you can find a number of home remedies, including lemon juice, bleach solutions, and scrubbing with steel wool. Ouch.
如果你搜索互联网,你可以找到很多偏方,如柠檬汁、漂白剂以及用钢丝棉擦洗 。哎哟 。
Wouldn’t it be easier—and less painful—to just quit?
n. 投掷,震荡
v. 投掷,摇荡,辗转