Your flight gets canceled and the airline says it doesn't have a seat for you for a full day. But you find another airline has a flight leaving in one hour. What to do?
Beg the airline to send your ticket to its competitor. Do it nicely, because there's no rule that says the airline has to help you.
How to regulate good service and fair dealings, if at all, has been a quandary for years. But stakes are higher now. The average airline load factor -- the percentage of seats filled -- rose to 82.8% last year, the highest for scheduled air service since 1945. With planes so full, airlines have limited reserve capacity to rebook customers after flights get canceled. Some passengers wait for days to get to destinations.
The Department of Transportation says over the last four years it has taken a more aggressive stance on passenger rights, pushing through regulations to curb long tarmac delays, increase compensation for ticketed passengers involuntarily bumped from flights and require airlines to always display the full price of airfares, including taxes and fees. Airlines let passengers either cancel or hold a reservation without penalty for 24 hours and reimburse baggage fees if bags are lost, because DOT requires them to.
美国交通部(The Department of Transportation)表示,它在过去的四年里为保障乘客的权利采取了更加激进的姿态,通过制定规章来限制长时间的停机坪延误,增加对那些非出于本意而未能上飞机的持票乘客的补偿,并要求航空公司始终明示含税费的全价机票价格。航空公司在24小时内可以允许乘客选择取消或保持预订而不用支付违约金,如果行李遗失,航空公司还要赔偿行李费用,因为交通部责令它们这么做。
Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, who is stepping down after four years, said in an interview he became frustrated with airline service flying between Washington, D.C., and his home state of Illinois, and set out to force improvement. 'When people are paying a pretty good amount of money to fly, they ought to be given the service they paid for and they ought to be treated with respect and treated like adults,' he said.
履职四年后即将卸任的交通部长雷•拉胡德(Ray LaHood)在一次采访中说,他本人在华盛顿特区和家乡伊利诺伊州之间往返时的乘机体验,让他对航空服务深感不满,于是着手强制整改。他说:“当人们花了可观的一笔钱来坐飞机时,他们应该得到物有所值的服务,应该受到尊重,得到一名成年人理应得到的待遇。”
The Republican supported passenger-rights legislation every year when he was a U.S. representative, but every attempt in Congress has failed. As DOT secretary, Mr. LaHood grew outraged at passengers stuck on planes for nine-plus hours in deplorable conditions, and pushed through hefty penalties for airlines that keep people on planes longer than three hours without a chance to deplane. The tarmac delay rule has dramatically curbed lengthy strandings.
Passengers have some other protections:
Airlines typically provide meals and hotels when travelers are stranded overnight because of an airline problem, though not because of weather or other exceptions.
When airlines lose bags, they're on the hook to pay out as much as $3,300 per passenger for domestic trips. (Carriers set the value of possessions lost, however.)
Fliers bumped from overbooked flights and stuck for hours are entitled to four times their ticket price, up to $1,300, on the spot in cash.
But beyond overbooking, baggage and tarmac delays, government and Congress have largely struggled to figure out rules and requirements. Last year Congress created a four-member committee to advise the DOT on what passenger protections were needed.
The panel, which included airline and airport officials, advocated some basic principles like knowing the cost of the entire trip before purchasing a ticket.
The only firm recommendation? That DOT require airports and airlines to provide 'animal relief areas.'
Passenger advocates say plenty more should be done. 'Passengers have very few rights and many of the ones on paper are not really enforced,' says Paul Hudson, executive director of the nonprofit Aviation Consumer Action Project, which advocates for airline passengers.
乘客权益倡导者表示,应该规定的事项还有很多。为飞机乘客代言的非盈利组织“航空消费者行动计划”(Aviation Consumer Action Project)的常务董事保罗•哈德森(Paul Hudson)说:“乘客本来就没有多少权利,而已成文的规定中有很多实际上并没有得到真正的贯彻。”
One of the biggest problems, Mr. Hudson says, is that Congress exempted airlines from state laws so consumers can only take disputes to federal court, not state court. That raises the cost and the legal threshold to sue an airline. 'In every other industry you have consumer protection laws that are state and local,' Mr. Hudson said. 'Airlines argue they can't be regulated by patchwork state laws, but Wal-Mart is.'
Airlines for America, the industry's lobbying group, says air travel is almost always crossing state lines and airlines can't be subjected to a particular state's rules. Carriers have improved service on their own and are responding to passenger issues without legislation or regulation that could raise ticket prices, the group says.
航空业的游说组织美国航空运输协会(Airlines for America)表示,航空旅行差不多都是跨越州界的,航空公司不能受某个特定州的规定约束。该组织表示,承运商已经自行改善了服务,并且对法律、法规没有规定、却又可能引起机票涨价的客运问题做出了回应。
'Other industries are not subjected to such irrational rules,' A4A Chief Executive Nick Calio said in recent Senate testimony.
美国航空运输协会的首席执行长尼克•卡利奥(Nick Calio)在最近的参议院听证会上说:“其它行业面临的情况没有这么特殊。”
When the industry was regulated before 1978, a federal rule known as Rule 240 required airlines to send customers to competitors if they canceled flights. Without Rule 240, passengers often can't use their ticket on another airline that might have available seats.
1978年以前,当航空业受到监管的时候,一项名为Rule 240的联邦法规要求航空公司在取消航班的时候把乘客转给竞争对手。如今没有了Rule 240的约束,乘客经常无法凭原有的机票改乘到另一家有空余座位的航空公司的航班。
Eight years ago, the European Union established what seemed like far-reaching consumer protections, requiring that airlines compensate passengers for long delays and cancellations. The intent was to force carriers to reduce delays and cancellations due to light bookings.
八年前,欧盟(European Union)制定了似乎可以切实保护消费者的措施,要求航空公司对长时间的航班延误和航班取消给予乘客赔偿,这样做的目的是强制承运商减少航班延误以及由于订票数量少而取消航班的行为。
But the groundbreaking effort didn't go particularly well. Passenger protections proved confusing and, to a large extent, hollow. Airlines were given a broad exemption for 'extraordinary circumstances' and often refused to pay passenger claims. Little has changed.
The European Commission's latest stabs at regulation take a more pragmatic approach. If enacted, it would give European travelers firmer protections than what U.S. passengers receive.
欧盟委员会(European Commission)最近起草了更为务实的监管政策。如果获得通过,它给予欧洲旅客的保护比美国旅客得到的保护会更实在。
Earlier this month, the commission proposed revisions that would strengthen some areas for consumers and give airlines more latitude in others. If an airline can't re-route a passenger within 12 hours, it would have to book a customer on another airline or train. But airlines would have five hours before they'd have to pay compensation for delays, instead of three hours.
'Cancellations are always worse for the passenger than delay,' says Frank Laurent, a policy officer for the European Commission in Brussels who helped draft the rules. 'This proposal is much more realistic.'
布鲁塞尔欧盟委员会里参与起草这些法规的政策官员弗兰克•劳伦特(Frank Laurent)说:“航班取消对乘客的影响一般比航班延误更大。这项提案要务实得多。”
The EC plan has been criticized by consumer groups as a watering down of passenger protections and by airlines as an unnecessary burden in compensation and rerouting. Mr. Laurent says the criticism from both sides probably means the proposal found middle ground.
'What we tried to do with this proposal,' he said, 'is to find a balance.'