China's No. 2 life insurer faced an uncertain future earlier this year when its biggest shareholder, HSBC Holdings, sold its entire 15.57% stake in the company to a Thai billionaire.
今年早些时候,中国第二大寿险公司中国平安保险(集团)股份有限公司(Ping An Insurance (Group) Co.)面临着一个不确定的未来,因为其最大股东汇丰控股有限公司(HSBC Holdings) 将全部持有的15.57%股份整体转让给了一位泰国的亿万富翁。
Analysts worried at the time about Ping An Insurance (Group) Co.'s operating outlook; HSBC had provided the insurer with significant help in establishing business foundations such as an integrated back office and risk-control mechanism. But with the dust settled on HSBC's exit, Ping An's president, Alex Ren, says those worries are behind the company, which is now focused on expanding its role in banking and asset management.
当时,分析师一度担心中国平安未来的经营前景。以往,汇丰向这家保险公司提供过大量帮助,协助其打好业务基础,如建立一体化的后援中心和风控机制等。不过中国平安总经理任汇川(Alex Ren)表示,汇丰的退出已经尘埃落定,这些担忧已成为明日黄花,公司正在集中精力拓展银行和资产管理业务。
Ping An is a relatively young player in the country's financial-services sector, which is dominated by state-owned players such as its bigger rival China Life Insurance Co. Early on, Ping An saw its first and only overseas investments─amounting to about $3.78 billion that it invested in Belgian-Dutch financial-services company Fortis NV─wiped out when the European company was nationalized and sold off during the 2008 financial crisis.
在中国的金融服务板块,平安相对来说还是一名新兵。这一板块由一些规模更大的国有企业把持着,如中国人寿保险股份有限公司(China Life Insurance Co.)等。此前,平安的第一笔也是唯一一笔海外投资打了水漂:公司斥资37.8亿美元收购比利时-荷兰金融服务公司富通集团(Fortis NV),但这家欧洲企业在2008年金融危机中被强制国有化并作价卖出。
That has prompted Ping An to focus on businesses at home, which helped lead to a 44% jump in profit over the past four years─a stellar performance compared with China Life's 66% profit decline in the same period.
Mr. Ren, a 43-year-old executive who has spent his career at Ping An, met with The Wall Street Journal in Hong Kong to discuss how he is grappling with China's slowing economy, changes in financial regulations and the fallout from the HSBC exit. Edited excerpts:
WSJ: What do you make of slower economic growth in China?
Mr. Ren: China is, on one hand, under the process of destocking, or reducing excess capacity, and, on the other, looking for new growth drivers.
We're happy to see that the Chinese authorities are quite calm in dealing with the slower growth, and didn't roll out many stimulus policies. This is crucial for reforming the country's economic structure, which should focus more on domestic consumption, people's livelihood and environmental protection.
WSJ: China is also reforming its financial markets. How does that affect Ping An and other financial institutions?
Mr. Ren: Ping An will benefit from these reforms. Nowadays, the vast majority of China's 140 trillion yuan ($22.8 trillion) in assets are sitting on banks' balance sheets, and the rest are split among insurance firms, trusts, securities and asset-management companies.
But the big trend is 'disintermediation' of banks' assets, which means: In the past, many companies could only borrow from banks, but now they can raise funds in the markets by issuing bonds or shares.
So insurers, securities and asset-management firms now have business opportunities, which were only available to lenders before.
More importantly, bank loans, which used to be corporates' major financing channels, are set at highly regulated interest rates.
When financing channels gradually shift to other nonbank institutions via wealth-management products or bonds, interest rates will be determined by risks, the borrowers' credit ratings and debt profile.
That's exactly what China's financial industry participants should do─to refine our credit ratings (system) and improve risk disclosure so that investors can make investment decisions based on risk analysis.
WSJ: What distinguishes Ping An from its competitors?
Mr. Ren: We've developed three core businesses─insurance, banking and investment. That makes the group more resilient. We were the first Chinese financial institution to establish an integrated operating center─first in Shanghai, then in other cities with lower costs.
Thanks to this back office─the establishment of which was helped by HSBC─we now have lower operating costs and better efficiency.
WSJ: Ping An has been ahead of its competitors in terms of technology, particularly in the case of mobile sales. What's next for this side of the business?
Mr. Ren: We'd like to offer one-stop service for customers. For example we've launched an online account named 'One Account Management Services,' or 'Yi Zhang Tong' in Chinese. The account allows customers to look for financial products provided by Ping An, as well as by other financial institutions. Young customers are increasingly active and like comparing various products due to enormous amount of information on the Internet. So if we don't address customers' needs, we may lose them.
任汇川:我们想为客户提供一站式服务。举例而言,我们已经推出一个名为“一账通”(One Account Management Services)的在线账户,通过这个账户,客户可以了解平安和其他金融机构提供的各种金融产品。年轻客户的活跃度越来越高,他们喜欢根据互联网上的海量信息来比较不同的产品;因此,如果公司不能满足这部分客户的需求,就会与他们失之交臂。
WSJ: Chairman Peter Ma has driven the company's focus on technology platforms. Why is that important to him and to the company?
Mr. Ren: Chairman Ma is an entrepreneur who's cautious of risks and curious about new technology. He always asks himself: 'Will I fall behind [rivals] in five years? How can I be ahead of competitors?' He doesn't only ask this of himself, but also pushes the whole management team to think about it.
The technological transformation may not happen that fast [in China], but that will definitely change the landscape of the financial industry. We must be well-prepared in advance.
WSJ: HSBC became Ping An's biggest shareholder after buying shares both before and after its Hong Kong listing in 2005. How are you dealing with the loss now that HSBC sold its entire stake early this year?
Mr. Ren: We are thankful to HSBC, which supported us over the past decade but Ping An has a vast and diversified base of shareholders, unlike many Chinese peers that are largely owned by the nation, so we won't easily change our business strategy just because of a change of one or two shareholders.
Education: M.B.A. from Peking University.
教育背景:北京大学(Peking University)工商管理硕士
Career: President of Ping An since March 2011. Previously served in the roles of senior vice president, chief insurance business officer, and the chairman and chief executive of the company's property and casualty unit.
Extracurricular: Reading, outdoor activities, gym.