2. If you do use slides, less is more. Start with "a killer first slide or opening remark," O'Brien says, "with eye-catching visuals and concise language." Then, for a 30-minute presentation, plan on no more than five to 10 slides. "If you have a slide deck with 30 slides in it, your presentation is doomed," O'Brien says. "You also need to have each slide make just one main point of 15 words or fewer." Talk too much and you'll lose 'em, so get to the point.
2. 如果确实需要幻灯片,越少越好。奥布莱恩说:“第一张幻灯片或开场白一定要能让人兴奋,要使用一些能吸引眼球的视觉效果和简练的语言。”30分钟的陈述不要使用超过五到十张幻灯片。奥布莱恩说:“如果你硬是要在三十分钟里放30张幻灯片,那你的陈述注定不会成功。此外,每一张幻灯片上只需要列出一条要点,字数不能超过15个单词。”滔滔不绝地说太多,听众会失去兴趣,所以一定要简明扼要,突出主题。
n. 牙科医生