5. New York
Another best place to travel alone is New York. It has highly efficient subway system and loads of taxis, so it can be easy for you to get around the city. In spite of renowned belief, New Yorkers are helpful, they are always ready to help in case if you need know directions. Another urban myth is that New York is an unsafe city. I want to say that any other city in the developed world isn’t safe, of course you shouldn’t wander in central park after dark, but be sure, you will face no more dangers here as a single traveler.
纽约是一个适合独自旅游的城市,纽约的地铁线非常方便,出租车也很便捷,为独行侠们穿梭于城市之间提供了便利的条件 。纽约的当地居民也是乐于助人的,你如果在城市里迷失了方向,他们总是乐意为你指点迷津的 。关于纽约的一个传说是纽约是个不安全的城市 。然而,我想说的是,在任何一个城市都存在不安全因素,天黑了一个人在市中心游荡肯定是不安全的 。总的来讲,作为独行侠,这个城市是安全的 。