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狄更斯双语小说:《董贝父子》第29章Part 7

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'The idea!' said Mrs Chick, 'of your having basked at my brother's fireside, like a serpent, and wound yourself, through me, almost into his confidence, Lucretia, that you might, in secret, entertain designs upon him, and dare to aspire to contemplate the possibility of his uniting himself to you! Why, it is an idea,' said Mrs Chick, with sarcastic dignity, 'the absurdity of which almost relieves its treachery.'

'Pray, Louisa,' urged Miss Tox, 'do not say such dreadful things.'“求求您,路易莎,”托克斯小姐哀求道,”请您别说这样可怕的事情!”
'Dreadful things!' repeated Mrs Chick. 'Dreadful things! Is it not a fact, Lucretia, that you have just now been unable to command your feelings even before me, whose eyes you had so completely closed?'“可怕的事情!”奇克夫人重复道,”可怕的事情!刚才甚至在我面前,在一个被您完全蒙住眼睛的人面前,您都控制不住自己的感情!难道这不是事实吗,卢克丽霞?”
'I have made no complaint,' sobbed Miss Tox. 'I have said nothing. If I have been a little overpowered by your news, Louisa, and have ever had any lingering thought that Mr Dombey was inclined to be particular towards me, surely you will not condemn me.'“我没有抱怨什么,”托克斯小姐哭泣着说道,”我没有说什么。如果我听到您的消息有些震惊,路易莎,如果我过去心中闪过这样的想法:董贝先生对我特别关心的话,那么您自然是不该责备我的。”
'She is going to say,' said Mrs Chick, addressing herself to the whole of the furniture, in a comprehensive glance of resignation and appeal, 'She is going to say - I know it - that I have encouraged her!'“她是想说,”奇克夫人用听天由命和恳求的眼光向所有的家具全都看了一眼,对它们说道,”她是想说--我知道的--我曾经鼓励过她!”
'I don't wish to exchange reproaches, dear Louisa,' sobbed Miss Tox 'Nor do I wish to complain. But, in my own defence - '“我不希望互相责备,亲爱的路易莎,”托克斯小姐哭泣着说道,”我也不希望抱怨。我只是为我自己辩护--”
'Yes,' cried Mrs Chick, looking round the room with a prophetic smile, 'that's what she's going to say. I knew it. You had better say it. Say it openly! Be open, Lucretia Tox,' said Mrs Chick, with desperate sternness, 'whatever you are.'“对了!奇克夫人含着预见性的微笑,看看房间四周,喊道,”这就是她想要说的。我早料到了。您最好说出来。毫无隐瞒地说出来!要毫无隐瞒,卢克丽霞?托克斯,”奇克夫人严酷无情地说道,”不管您是什么人。”
'In my own defence,' faltered Miss Tox, 'and only In my own defence against your unkind words, my dear Louisa, I would merely ask you if you haven't often favoured such a fancy, and even said it might happen, for anything we could tell?'“我是为我自己辩护,”托克斯小姐结结巴巴地说道,”我只是听了您那些冷酷的话以后为我自己辩护几句。我亲爱的路易莎,我只想问您一句,难道您不是也时常纵容这样的幻想的吗,您不是甚至还说,谁知道呢?一切都可能发生的吗?”
'There is a point,' said Mrs Chick, rising, not as if she were going to stop at the floor, but as if she were about to soar up, high, into her native skies, 'beyond which endurance becomes ridiculous, if not culpable. I can bear much; but not too much. What spell was on me when I came into this house this day, I don't know; but I had a presentiment - a dark presentiment,'“这里有个界限,”奇克夫人说道,一边站起来,仿佛不打算在地板上站住,而是想腾空飞进天国似的,”超过这个界限,再忍耐下去,不说是有罪的,也成了荒谬可笑的了。我能极大地忍耐;但不能过分忍耐。今天我走进这屋子的时候,究竟我给什么符咒镇住了,我不知道,但是我有一种预感,一种不祥的预感,”
Said Mrs Chick, with a shiver, 'that something was going to happen. Well may I have had that foreboding, Lucretia, when my confidence of many years is destroyed in an instant, when my eyes are opened all at once, and when I find you revealed in your true colours. Lucretia, I have been mistaken in you. It is better for us both that this subject should end here. I wish you well, and I shall ever wish you well. But, as an individual who desires to be true to herself in her own poor position, whatever that position may be, or may not be - and as the sister of my brother - and as the sister-in-law of my brother's wife - and as a connexion by marriage of my brother's wife's mother - may I be permitted to add, as a Dombey? - I can wish you nothing else but good morning.'奇克夫人哆嗦了一下,说道,”好像要发生什么事情似的。我这预感可不奇巧得很吗,卢克丽霞?我这许多年的信任一刹那间就毁掉了,我的眼睛突然之间睁开了,我看见您露出了您的真面目。卢克丽霞,我过去错看了您了。我们最好就把话讲到这里为止。我祝您好,我将永远祝您好。可是作为一个想忠于她自己的人(她是一个地位卑微的人,不论她的地位可能是卑微的还是可能并不卑微的),作为我哥哥的妹妹、作为我嫂子的小姑子,作为我哥哥岳母的亲戚--是不是可以允许我再加上一句,作为董贝家里的一员--,我除了祝您早上好之外,就不再对您祝愿别的什么了。”
These words, delivered with cutting suavity, tempered and chastened by a lofty air of moral rectitude, carried the speaker to the door. There she inclined her head in a ghostly and statue-like manner, and so withdrew to her carriage, to seek comfort and consolation in the arms of Mr Chick, her lord.这些话是用尖刻而又平静的语气说出的,而且又是用一种理直气壮的高傲神态进行调节与控制的;话说完之后,说话的人已经走到门口。然后她用鬼怪般的,就像雕像一样的姿态,低着头,回到她的马车里,从她的丈夫奇克先生的怀中寻求安慰和爱抚。

'The idea!' said Mrs Chick, 'of your having basked at my brother's fireside, like a serpent, and wound yourself, through me, almost into his confidence, Lucretia, that you might, in secret, entertain designs upon him, and dare to aspire to contemplate the possibility of his uniting himself to you! Why, it is an idea,' said Mrs Chick, with sarcastic dignity, 'the absurdity of which almost relieves its treachery.'
'Pray, Louisa,' urged Miss Tox, 'do not say such dreadful things.'
'Dreadful things!' repeated Mrs Chick. 'Dreadful things! Is it not a fact, Lucretia, that you have just now been unable to command your feelings even before me, whose eyes you had so completely closed?'
'I have made no complaint,' sobbed Miss Tox. 'I have said nothing. If I have been a little overpowered by your news, Louisa, and have ever had any lingering thought that Mr Dombey was inclined to be particular towards me, surely you will not condemn me.'
'She is going to say,' said Mrs Chick, addressing herself to the whole of the furniture, in a comprehensive glance of resignation and appeal, 'She is going to say - I know it - that I have encouraged her!'
'I don't wish to exchange reproaches, dear Louisa,' sobbed Miss Tox 'Nor do I wish to complain. But, in my own defence - '
'Yes,' cried Mrs Chick, looking round the room with a prophetic smile, 'that's what she's going to say. I knew it. You had better say it. Say it openly! Be open, Lucretia Tox,' said Mrs Chick, with desperate sternness, 'whatever you are.'
'In my own defence,' faltered Miss Tox, 'and only In my own defence against your unkind words, my dear Louisa, I would merely ask you if you haven't often favoured such a fancy, and even said it might happen, for anything we could tell?'
'There is a point,' said Mrs Chick, rising, not as if she were going to stop at the floor, but as if she were about to soar up, high, into her native skies, 'beyond which endurance becomes ridiculous, if not culpable. I can bear much; but not too much. What spell was on me when I came into this house this day, I don't know; but I had a presentiment - a dark presentiment,'
Said Mrs Chick, with a shiver, 'that something was going to happen. Well may I have had that foreboding, Lucretia, when my confidence of many years is destroyed in an instant, when my eyes are opened all at once, and when I find you revealed in your true colours. Lucretia, I have been mistaken in you. It is better for us both that this subject should end here. I wish you well, and I shall ever wish you well. But, as an individual who desires to be true to herself in her own poor position, whatever that position may be, or may not be - and as the sister of my brother - and as the sister-in-law of my brother's wife - and as a connexion by marriage of my brother's wife's mother - may I be permitted to add, as a Dombey? - I can wish you nothing else but good morning.'
These words, delivered with cutting suavity, tempered and chastened by a lofty air of moral rectitude, carried the speaker to the door. There she inclined her head in a ghostly and statue-like manner, and so withdrew to her carriage, to seek comfort and consolation in the arms of Mr Chick, her lord.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
shiver ['ʃivə]


vt. 颤动(碎裂)
n. 冷颤(碎块)

comprehensive [.kɔmpri'hensiv]


adj. 综合的,广泛的,理解的

entertain [.entə'tein]


v. 娱乐,招待,怀抱

foreboding [fɔ:'bəudiŋ]


n. 不祥的预感,先兆 动词forbode的现在分词形式

particular [pə'tikjulə]


adj. 特殊的,特别的,特定的,挑剔的



adj. 被允许的 v. 允许(permit的过去分词)

soar [sɔ:, sɔə]


vi. 翱翔,高飞,猛增,高涨,高耸
n. 翱

glance [glɑ:ns]


v. 一瞥,扫视,匆匆一看,反光,闪烁,掠过

condemn [kən'dem]


vt. 谴责,判刑
vt. 宣告(建筑)

contemplate ['kɔntem.pleit]


vt. 注视,沉思,打算





