iPhone 5
• Year: 2012
Instead of early summer, Apple opted for a September announcement and roll-out of the iPhone 5, which expanded the screen to 4 inches and used both aluminum and glass on the back, resulting in a sliver of a device that was 18% thinner and 20% lighter than the year before. A new custom-made A6 processor, 1 GB of RAM, an improved 1.3 megapixel front-facing camera, and a tweaked 8-megapixel shooter rounded out the hardware side, resulting in real-world performance up to twice as fast.
这一年,苹果没有在初夏发布新一代iPhone,而是选在9月份推出iPhone 5并随即上市销售。iPhone 5将屏幕尺寸扩大到4英寸,并在机身背部同时采用铝和玻璃材质,比iPhone 4S厚度和重量分别减少18%和20%。这款iPhone采用新的定制A6处理器,内存为1GB,并配备改进的130万像素前置摄像头以及800万像素的后置摄像头,使其现实当中的性能表现要比上一代产品快两倍。