iPad mini
Next generation of iPads set to launch on 22 October - with rumours suggesting Apple could be working on a 13-inch model
Fresh off the launch of its new iPhones, and before its even had time to restock the shelves, Apple is said to be gearing up to launch its next range of iPads.
According to Current Editorials, the tech giant could announce a new iPad mini as well as an improved iPad - dubbed iPad 5 - on 22 October.
This would be almost a year to the day since Apple's CEO Tim Cook unveiled the first generation mini, and the release would see the tablets go on sale in time for Christmas.
Previous reports suggested Apple would launch successors to its current range of tablets at an event on 15 October, but this has now changed. Apple historically launches products on a Tuesday, making them available for pre-order the following Friday, before putting them on sale the Friday of the week after. This suggests any new devices announced on 22 October will be on sale by 1 November.
Leaked photos have already hinted at what the tablets could look like, including a range of colourful cases, and in an investor note, analysts state Apple could also be working on a 13-inch model.
According to Apple site, 9to5Mac, the rumoured iPad 5 will also keep the 9.7-inch, high-resolution screen seen on older models. The camera is due an upgrade, too, and is thought Apple would move to an 8MP rear-facing lens, with the possibility of even a 12MP camera being added.
Leaked images from Tactus additionally suggest the iPad 5 will be thinner than its predecessors.Technology site Expert Reviews believes Apple will stick with its traditional pricing strategy for both models and charge the same price for its new products as it did for the outgoing models. For example, the 16GB iPad 5 is expected to cost around £399, this raises to £479 for 32GB and £559 for 64GB. If Apple additionally follows its iPad 4 launch and introduces a 128GB iPad 5 model, this should start at around £639 for 128GB, while 4G-ready models will cost more still. Similarly, the iPad mini is expected to launch with at around £269 for 16GB and then in £80 increments for the 32BG and 64GB models. Models with 3G and 4G access will cost more.
Apple could also launch a new line of Mac computers including a Macbook Pro and Mac mini at the event.
Both are expected to be fitted with Intel’s Haswell processors that boost speeds and battery life.
有分析人士预测,全新的iPad 5将搭载苹果A7处理器,屏幕尺寸维持9.7英寸,后置摄像头将升级至800万像素,另有128G版本可选。而第二代iPad mini也将保持其原有的7.9英寸大小,但有可能配备与iPad 3相同的超高像素密度的Retina显示屏。
另外,有传言称,在iPhone 5S上配有的Touch ID指纹识别功能,或许将被应用在苹果最新的这两款平板产品上。
如果iPad 5和第二代iPad mini能如期于本月22日发布,这两款全新的平板电脑将有望在11月1日与全球果粉们见面。
参照iPad以往的市场价格,新款iPad 5 16G的售价可能为399英镑,折合人民币3893元;而32G和64G的售价则分别为479英镑和599英镑,分别折合人民币4693元和5844元。