Writing business proposals, holding meetings and staying up late to execute plans - what may sound like the business world to you is just a routine for members of the Enactus team at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics (SUFE). With social responsibility in mind, students in this non profit team use their knowledge to help low-income families earn more money.
Not a simple student start-up
SUFE Enactus earned a name for itself when it represented China in the Enactus 2013 World Cup in Cancun, Mexico, in September. It made it into the top eight with a project that empowers local farmers by helping them launch businesses using coffee grounds as fertilizer to grow mushrooms.
The team noticed that in metropolises like Shanghai, there is a huge waste of coffee grounds every day. So they asked for help from a mushroom growing company in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and Chido Govera, a Zimbabwean educator who teaches people to cultivate mushrooms using leftover coffee grounds.
这支团队注意到,在上海这样的大都市,每天都有大量的咖啡渣被白白浪费掉。因此,他们向杭州一家蘑菇种植公司以及来自津巴布韦的Chido Govera寻求帮助。Chido Govera是一名教育工作者,教人们利用废弃咖啡渣来培育蘑菇。
Together, they developed a business plan to collect coffee grounds in order to grow mushrooms and sell them. But instead of making money from this business plan, SUFE Enactus passed it on to low-income families and let them cooperate with the mushroom company.
“Traditionally, mushroom companies grow their mushrooms in big factories and sell quality seeds only to wholesale dealers. It’s difficult for farmers to buy seeds directly from mushroom companies. But now we have bridged this gap,” says Li Jie, 22, the project manager who is a quantitative economics major at SUFE.
By doing so, the Coffee Green project has enabled dozens of low-income families to cultivate and sell mushrooms in a more cost-effective and environment friendly way.
Give back to society
“Give a man a fish and you can feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you can feed him for a lifetime.” Ren Min, Secretary General Manager of Enactus China, believes that sustainable charity is more applicable when helping people in need. “We encourage Chinese students to use a sustainable business model to do charity,” she says. That’s the essence of Enactus teams.
For Xu Yiwei, 22, president of SUFE Enactus, the team is both a business and charity organization.
The finance major believes that the ultimate goal of Enactus is to have a lasting positive impact on society by teaching people “how to fish”.
“We figure out a comprehensive plan for starting up a business, then teach it to the target group, helping them make more money and elevate their living standards,” she says.
By participating in Enactus, students are cultivating skills and finding ways to use their knowledge. According to Liu Tianrui, 19, the PR director of SUFE Enactus who is an economics major, participating in Enactus helps him apply the business concepts taught in class.
“All of our projects start from scratch. On the way, we constantly resort to the resources and knowledge we have in the team. This is not only a revision process, but a brainstorming process that brings different ideas, knowledge and information together,” he says.
Liu says this experience not only gives him a real sense of the business world, but also teaches him how to conduct teamwork, communicate with others and solve problems.