
Some retailers are saying it's about yam time someone stood up for Thanksgiving.
Black Friday has been pushing back into Thanksgiving, with many stores opening ever earlier in the evening and even daytime on Thursday, but a wide range of retailers aren't biting. Discount chain T.J. Maxx and regional department store Dillard's Inc., along with warehouse clubs and some electronics stores are holding true to tradition and waiting for Friday before kicking off the all-important holiday shopping frenzy.
“黑色星期五”已经从感恩节这天就开始了,许多商店在周四夜里开门的时间越来越早,有的甚至白天就开门了,但是很大一批零售商称自己不会追赶这一潮流。折扣连锁店T.J. Maxx和区域性百货店Dillard's Inc.、仓储超市和一些电器商店都信守传统,打算等到周五再拉开这个重要节日购物狂欢的序幕。
Some are particularly vocal about it. Regional electronics chain P.C. Richard & Son took out full-page ads imploring to 'Save Thanksgiving' in newspapers across the Northeast. Nordstrom Inc. wrote on its Facebook page: 'We won't be decking our halls' until Black Friday because 'we just like the idea of celebrating one holiday at a time.' That post received more than 20,000 'likes' in less than 24 hours. Ace Hardware is keeping its 4,600 stores nationwide closed on Thanksgiving, taking the high ground by saying, 'Some things are more important than money.'
一些商家就此发出了尤为高亢的声音。区域性电器连锁店P.C. Richard & Son在东北地区的各大报纸上打出整版广告,恳请“挽救感恩节”。Nordstrom Inc.在其Facebook主页上写道:我们不会在黑色星期五到来前装点大厅,因为我们就是喜欢一次庆祝一个节日的想法。在不到24个小时内,Nordstrom的这句话获得了逾2万个“赞”。Ace Hardware在全美的4,600家门店在感恩节这天都不会开门,该公司摆出高姿态称,有些东西比钱更重要。
This stance may cost them sales, as shoppers who venture out on Thanksgiving Day could load up on TVs, cookware and toys before Friday rolls around, checking off items on their Christmas lists. But the holdouts are betting that their orthodoxy could win them customers who are outraged that the family holiday is being usurped by consumerism. Warehouse clubs including Wal-Mart Stores Inc.'s Sam's Club and high-end department stores like Neiman Marcus Group Inc. say Thanksgiving 'door buster' shopping doesn't appeal to their customers anyway. (Wal-Mart's namesake stores are open on Thanksgiving Day.)
持这种立场可能得付出牺牲销售额的代价,因为在感恩节这天上街购物的人可能会赶在周五之前下手电视机、厨房用具和玩具,完成圣诞节购物单上一些条目的采购。但是抵制者们认为,坚持正统将使它们赢得那些因家庭假日被消费主义侵袭而义愤填膺的顾客。包括沃尔玛(Wal-Mart Stores Inc.)旗下的山姆会员商店(Sam's Club)在内的仓储类超市以及Neiman Marcus Group Inc.这样的高端百货商店称,感恩节“开门大抢购”对它们的顾客并无吸引力。(不过沃尔玛商店在感恩节这天是开业的。)
The concept of Black Friday--the day after Thanksgiving--as a discount feeding frenzy has intensified in recent years amid lackluster consumer spending and heightened competition from online retailers like Amazon.com Inc. National retailers from Wal-Mart to Toys 'R' Us Inc. and Best Buy Co. have been steadily moving their deepest discounts into Thursday evening over the past few years. Increasing numbers of stores are now open all day on Thanksgiving.
在消费者支出低迷以及来自亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc.)等网络零售商的竞争加剧之际,作为疯狂打折日的黑色星期五――感恩节之后那天――的概念近年来得到了强化。过去几年,从沃尔玛到玩具反斗城(Toys "R" Us Inc.)和百思买(Best Buy Co.),全国性零售商一直在稳步把最大的折扣挪至周四晚上。越来越多的商店现在在感恩节当天全天营业。
The National Retail Federation is predicting that 33 million people will be spending money on Thanksgiving, either in stores or online, accounting for nearly a quarter of the weekend's total shoppers. The substantial Turkey-Day mob, which is only an estimated third the size of the Friday crowds, create the prospect that holiday holdouts may miss out on crucial sales.
全美零售商联合会(National Retail Federation)目前预计,3,300万人将在感恩节这天消费――要么是在网上,要么是在实体店,占到这个周末总购物人群的近四分之一。虽然在感恩节这天出动的人估计只有星期五这天的三分之一,但假日抵制者们仍面临可能错失很大一块销售额的前景。
'Anybody who isn't open on Thanksgiving night does face the risk of losing some sales, there's no doubt about it,' said Craig Rowley, global retail leader of consulting firm Hay Group. Mr. Rowley described the move as 'an interesting marketing ploy.'
咨询公司Hay Group的全球零售业务负责人罗利(Craig Rowley)说,毫无疑问,任何感恩节晚上不营业的商店都面临着损失一些销售额的风险;他把这一做法称为“一种有意思的营销策略”。
B.J.'s Wholesale Club CEO Laura Sen said her company made a 'very conscious choice' to stay closed on Thanksgiving, saying the company sought to give its 25,000 employees a chance to enjoy the holiday with their families. B.J.'s did open on Thanksgiving in 2006, but got minimal traffic.
B.J.'s Wholesale Club首席执行长森(Laura Sen)称,该公司作出了感恩节这天不营业的“非常清醒的选择”,称公司希望给予25,000名员工与家庭成员欢度假日的机会。B.J.'s2006年曾在感恩节当天开门,但客流量很小。
For her company, Ms. Sen said, 'There's no logic to keep dragging everybody out of their houses, whether it's 4 o'clock in the afternoon or midnight or whatever time.'
The company instead is spreading out its Black Friday sales during Thanksgiving week in stores and online, sparing its members from having to line up for deals. Like Sam's and B.J.'s, Costco Wholesale Corp. will be closed.
该公司正在实体店和网站把黑色星期五购物日拉长为感恩节整周,免去会员们必须排队购买打折商品之苦。与山姆店和B.J.'s一样,Costco Wholesale Corp.也不会在感恩节这天开门。