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'Unless you are a monster, which I sometimes think you are,' said Mrs Chick with candour, 'don't sit there humming tunes. How anyone with the most distant feelings of a man, can see that mother-in-law of Paul's, dressed as she is, going on like that, with Major Bagstock, for whom, among other precious things, we are indebted to your Lucretia Tox

'My Lucretia Tox, my dear!' said Mr Chick, astounded.“我的卢克丽霞?托克斯!”奇克先生吃惊地说道。
'Yes,' retorted Mrs Chick, with great severity, 'your Lucretia Tox - I say how anybody can see that mother-in-law of Paul's, and that haughty wife of Paul's, and these indecent old frights with their backs and shoulders, and in short this at home generally, and hum - ' on which word Mrs Chick laid a scornful emphasis that made Mr Chick start, 'is, I thank Heaven, a mystery to me!“是的,”奇克夫人很严厉地回答道,”你的卢克丽霞?托克斯!我要问,不论是什么人,看到保罗这位岳母,保罗这位傲慢的老婆,这些光裸着后背和肩膀的不成体统的老丑八怪们,总之一句话,看到今天这样的招待会,怎么还能有心情哼小调呢?”奇克夫人在最后几个字上冷嘲热讽地加重了语气,使奇克先生吓了一跳。”这对我来说,谢谢上天,真是一件不可思议的事情。”
Mr Chick screwed his mouth into a form irreconcilable with humming or whistling, and looked very contemplative.奇克先生把嘴巴扭歪成根本无法哼小调或吹口哨的形状,并似乎很用心地在沉思着。
'But I hope I know what is due to myself,' said Mrs Chick, swelling with indignation, 'though Paul has forgotten what is due to me. I am not going to sit here, a member of this family, to be taken no notice of. I am not the dirt under Mrs Dombey's feet, yet - not quite yet,' said Mrs Chick, as if she expected to become so, about the day after to-morrow. 'And I shall go. I will not say (whatever I may think) that this affair has been got up solely to degrade and insult me. I shall merely go. I shall not be missed!'“虽然保罗已经忘记我该享受的权利了,”奇克夫人火冒三丈,说道,”但我希望,我知道我本人应该享受什么权利。我是这个家庭的一名成员;我不打算在这里坐着,让人不理不睬。我不是董贝夫人脚下的烂泥,现在还不是,”奇克夫人说道,仿佛她预料后天就会变成这烂泥似的,”我要走!我不说(不管我怎么想)这一切安排的唯一目的就是要贬低我,侮辱我。我将直截了当,一走了之。我不在,他们也不会发觉!”
Mrs Chick rose erect with these words, and took the arm of Mr Chick, who escorted her from the room, after half an hour's shady sojourn there. And it is due to her penetration to observe that she certainly was not missed at all.奇克夫人一边这么说着,一边笔直地站了起来,挽着奇克先生的胳膊,离开了这个他们在偏僻的角落里逗留了半个小时的房间。她真能洞察一切:她不在,确实完全没有被人发觉。
But she was not the only indignant guest; for Mr Dombey's list (still constantly in difficulties) were, as a body, indignant with Mrs Dombey's list, for looking at them through eyeglasses, and audibly wondering who all those people were; while Mrs Dombey's list complained of weariness, and the young thing with the shoulders, deprived of the attentions of that gay youth Cousin Feenix (who went away from the dinner-table), confidentially alleged to thirty or forty friends that she was bored to death. All the old ladies with the burdens on their heads, had greater or less cause of complaint against Mr Dombey; and the Directors and Chairmen coincided in thinking that if Dombey must marry, he had better have married somebody nearer his own age, not quite so handsome, and a little better off. The general opinion among this class of gentlemen was, that it was a weak thing in Dombey, and he'd live to repent it. Hardly anybody there, except the mild men, stayed, or went away, without considering himself or herself neglected and aggrieved by Mr Dombey or Mrs Dombey; and the speechless female in the black velvet hat was found to have been stricken mute, because the lady in the crimson velvet had been handed down before her. The nature even of the mild men got corrupted, either from their curdling it with too much lemonade, or from the general inoculation that prevailed; and they made sarcastic jokes to one another, and whispered disparagement on stairs and in bye-places. The general dissatisfaction and discomfort so diffused itself, that the assembled footmen in the hall were as well acquainted with it as the company above. Nay, the very linkmen outside got hold of it, and compared the party to a funeral out of mourning, with none of the company remembered in the will. At last, the guests were all gone, and the linkmen too; and the street, crowded so long with carriages, was clear; and the dying lights showed no one in the rooms, but Mr Dombey and Mr Carker, who were talking together apart, and Mrs Dombey and her mother: the former seated on an ottoman; the latter reclining in the Cleopatra attitude, awaiting the arrival of her maid. Mr Dombey having finished his communication to Carker, the latter advanced obsequiously to take leave.不过她并不是唯一的愤怒的客人;因为董贝先生名单上客人们(他们依旧不断地处于困难的境地中)一致对董贝夫人名单上的客人们感到愤怒,因为她们通过单眼镜看他们,并大声说不知道这些人是谁。在这同时,董贝夫人名单上的客人们抱怨疲乏;那位袒露着肩膀、打扮得很年轻的夫人,失掉那位快活的年轻人菲尼克斯表哥(他在宴会结束之后就走了)的照顾之后,对三、四十个朋友秘密地宣称,她厌烦得要死。头上戴满了沉甸甸的饰物的老夫人们都有或大或小的理由抱怨董贝夫人。那些公司的董事和总经理们心里都一致认为,如果董贝一定要结婚,他最好娶一位跟他年纪比较接近的人,别这么漂亮,但家境要宽裕一些才好;这一类身份的先生们普遍的看法是,这是董贝的失着,他以后会后悔的。除了那些懦怯的人之外,留在那里或走开的人,几乎没有一位不认为自己从董贝先生或董贝夫人那里受到冷落或委屈的。后来才知道,那位戴黑丝绒帽子、默默无言的夫人就是因为那位穿深红丝绒衣服的夫人比她先被搀扶到餐厅里去才气得一言不发的。甚至连那些懦怯的男子的脾气也变坏了,这或者是由于他们喝了过多的柠檬汁,性格发生了变化,或者是由于他们受到整个房间的气氛的感染的缘故;他们在楼梯上和偏僻的角落里相互讽刺嘲笑,并低声说些诽谤的话。普遍的不满与不快广泛地扩散开来,聚集在门厅里的仆人们也跟楼上的客人们一样感觉到这一点。甚至连等候在屋外、拿着火炬给大家照路的仆人也了解到这一点,他们把这个庆祝宴会跟那种在死者遗嘱里没有提到任何人、因而听不到哀哭的葬礼相比。最后,所有的客人都走了,拿着火炬给大家照路的仆人也走了。长时间被马车堵塞的街道已畅通了。房间里将要燃尽的烛光只照着在一旁交谈的董贝先生和卡克先生,以及董贝夫人和他的母亲,没有别的人了。董贝夫人坐在绒垫睡椅上,她的母亲仿照克利奥佩特拉的姿态躺着等待侍女前来。董贝先生和卡克谈话结束之后,卡克谄媚讨好地走上前来告别。
'I trust,' he said, 'that the fatigues of this delightful evening will not inconvenience Mrs Dombey to-morrow.'“我希望,”他说道,”董贝夫人经过这愉快的晚上所感到的劳累不会使她明天觉得不舒服。”
'Mrs Dombey,' said Mr Dombey, advancing, 'has sufficiently spared herself fatigue, to relieve you from any anxiety of that kind. I regret to say, Mrs Dombey, that I could have wished you had fatigued yourself a little more on this occasion.“董贝夫人已经充分地节省了她的劳累,”董贝先生走上前来,说道,”因此您丝毫不用在这方面替她担心。董贝夫人,我很遗憾地想说,我实在希望在今天这样的场合,您能比往常稍许劳累一些才好。”
She looked at him with a supercilious glance, that it seemed not worth her while to protract, and turned away her eyes without speaking.她傲慢地向他看了一眼,似乎不值得再看他,就一言不发地转开了视线。
'I am sorry, Madam,' said Mr Dombey, 'that you should not have thought it your duty -“我感到遗憾,夫人,”董贝先生说道,”您竟没有想到这是您的责任--”
She looked at him again.她又看了看他。

'Unless you are a monster, which I sometimes think you are,' said Mrs Chick with candour, 'don't sit there humming tunes. How anyone with the most distant feelings of a man, can see that mother-in-law of Paul's, dressed as she is, going on like that, with Major Bagstock, for whom, among other precious things, we are indebted to your Lucretia Tox
'My Lucretia Tox, my dear!' said Mr Chick, astounded.
'Yes,' retorted Mrs Chick, with great severity, 'your Lucretia Tox - I say how anybody can see that mother-in-law of Paul's, and that haughty wife of Paul's, and these indecent old frights with their backs and shoulders, and in short this at home generally, and hum - ' on which word Mrs Chick laid a scornful emphasis that made Mr Chick start, 'is, I thank Heaven, a mystery to me!
Mr Chick screwed his mouth into a form irreconcilable with humming or whistling, and looked very contemplative.
'But I hope I know what is due to myself,' said Mrs Chick, swelling with indignation, 'though Paul has forgotten what is due to me. I am not going to sit here, a member of this family, to be taken no notice of. I am not the dirt under Mrs Dombey's feet, yet - not quite yet,' said Mrs Chick, as if she expected to become so, about the day after to-morrow. 'And I shall go. I will not say (whatever I may think) that this affair has been got up solely to degrade and insult me. I shall merely go. I shall not be missed!'
Mrs Chick rose erect with these words, and took the arm of Mr Chick, who escorted her from the room, after half an hour's shady sojourn there. And it is due to her penetration to observe that she certainly was not missed at all.
But she was not the only indignant guest; for Mr Dombey's list (still constantly in difficulties) were, as a body, indignant with Mrs Dombey's list, for looking at them through eyeglasses, and audibly wondering who all those people were; while Mrs Dombey's list complained of weariness, and the young thing with the shoulders, deprived of the attentions of that gay youth Cousin Feenix (who went away from the dinner-table), confidentially alleged to thirty or forty friends that she was bored to death. All the old ladies with the burdens on their heads, had greater or less cause of complaint against Mr Dombey; and the Directors and Chairmen coincided in thinking that if Dombey must marry, he had better have married somebody nearer his own age, not quite so handsome, and a little better off. The general opinion among this class of gentlemen was, that it was a weak thing in Dombey, and he'd live to repent it. Hardly anybody there, except the mild men, stayed, or went away, without considering himself or herself neglected and aggrieved by Mr Dombey or Mrs Dombey; and the speechless female in the black velvet hat was found to have been stricken mute, because the lady in the crimson velvet had been handed down before her. The nature even of the mild men got corrupted, either from their curdling it with too much lemonade, or from the general inoculation that prevailed; and they made sarcastic jokes to one another, and whispered disparagement on stairs and in bye-places. The general dissatisfaction and discomfort so diffused itself, that the assembled footmen in the hall were as well acquainted with it as the company above. Nay, the very linkmen outside got hold of it, and compared the party to a funeral out of mourning, with none of the company remembered in the will. At last, the guests were all gone, and the linkmen too; and the street, crowded so long with carriages, was clear; and the dying lights showed no one in the rooms, but Mr Dombey and Mr Carker, who were talking together apart, and Mrs Dombey and her mother: the former seated on an ottoman; the latter reclining in the Cleopatra attitude, awaiting the arrival of her maid. Mr Dombey having finished his communication to Carker, the latter advanced obsequiously to take leave.
'I trust,' he said, 'that the fatigues of this delightful evening will not inconvenience Mrs Dombey to-morrow.'
'Mrs Dombey,' said Mr Dombey, advancing, 'has sufficiently spared herself fatigue, to relieve you from any anxiety of that kind. I regret to say, Mrs Dombey, that I could have wished you had fatigued yourself a little more on this occasion.
She looked at him with a supercilious glance, that it seemed not worth her while to protract, and turned away her eyes without speaking.
'I am sorry, Madam,' said Mr Dombey, 'that you should not have thought it your duty -
She looked at him again.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
precious ['preʃəs]


adj. 宝贵的,珍贵的,矫揉造作的

irreconcilable [i'rekənsailəbl]


adj. 不能和解的,不能协调的,矛盾的

dissatisfaction [.dissætis'fækʃən]


n. 不满

acquainted [ə'kweintid]


adj. 有知识的,熟悉的,了解的 动词acquaint

insult ['insʌlt]


vt. 侮辱,凌辱,辱骂
n. 侮辱,辱骂

sarcastic [sɑ:'kæstik]


adj. 讽刺的

indignation [.indig'neiʃən]


n. 愤怒,愤慨,义愤

mystery ['mistəri]


n. 神秘,秘密,奥秘,神秘的人或事物

protract [prə'trækt]


vt. 延长,托长,伸出

anxiety [æŋ'zaiəti]


n. 焦虑,担心,渴望





