7. Diane Lockhart
7. 戴安娜洛克哈特
Title: Senior Partner at Lockhart/Gardner
Show: The Good Wife
Played by: Christine Baranski
This power player (she has a photo of her and Hillary Clinton on her desk) was vetted for a seat on the Illinois Supreme Court until Gov. Peter Florrick changed his mind; Lockhart handled the disappointment masterfully, rejoining law firm Lockhart/Gardner with a renewed sense of purpose: She's out to squash a group of former colleagues who've left to start their own firm. Her energies are directed, in particular, at Alicia Florrick (the governor's wife and No. 15), whom Lockhart personally mentored.

8. Claire Underwood
8. 克莱尔安德伍德
Title: Executive Director of the Clean Water Initiative
Show: House of Cards
Played by: Robin Wright
Mild spoiler alert: In the second episode of House of Cards, Claire Underwood fires half of the staff of her nonprofit without so much as misplacing a strand of her perfectly coiffed pixie cut. Underwood handles her work -- and her marriage -- with an icy intensity that is as terrifying as it is mesmerizing. Wife to the show's antihero, the spectacularly conniving Frank Underwood (Kevin Spacey), it's clear that Claire is every bit the Washington operator he is.

9. Joan Holloway
9. 琼霍洛威
Title: Partner at SC&P
Show: Mad Men
Played by: Christina Hendricks
As the office manager for Sterling Cooper, Holloway spent a lot of time in the proximity of power -- and used it to her advantage. She managed the secretarial pool with aplomb, and knew when to flirt with and flatter clients. She made her way to partner in an uncomfortable manner (sleeping with Jaguar's Herb Rennick to salvage the account), but Holloway still has the savvy and know-how to command respect in the boardroom.