For singles in China under pressure to get married, there are plenty of professional match makers, and busybody parents. But for young people seeking to avoid such interference, there is now a bevy of smartphone apps offering a less formal approach.
Momo, the most popular of China’s mobile dating services, uses a phone’s GPS to help users find the profiles and photos of people nearby that they can talk to online, or offline. It has added 30m registered users since July – giving it 80m.
“Everyone uses it just for fun, not taking it too seriously,” said one man who asked not to be named. “We are too young to get married, too young. Maybe some girls’ parents want them to get married so early, but my friends haven’t.”
Other new Chinese dating apps include Zhantai, which matches users who live by or commute through the same subway stations, and Dou Jiang You Tiao, a launch with backing from Irish venture capital group SOSventures.
中国新出现的其他约会应用包括:站台(Zhantai),它将沿同一条地铁线路通勤或居住的用户配对起来;以及豆浆油条(Dou Jiang You Tiao),该应用得到了爱尔兰风险投资集团SOSventures的支持。
Jiang Yucheng, a project manager on Blued – an app for gay men that has 2m users and $3m in funding from a Shanghai investor – believes apps have a great advantage over dating websites, which are generally designed for desktop PCs. “People can use a phone app in their down time, and we think a person’s down time is actually the majority of a person’s day.”
For other developers of dating apps, such as Tinder, making money in China can be more of a challenge than elsewhere.
One difficulty is that marriage preferences in China remain traditional and focused on family background or economic status, said Rui Ma, who runs the seed investor 500 Startups in Beijing. As few matches on Momo are likely to turn into something long-term people are less likely to pay a lot for the service.
掌管种子投资基金500 Startups北京业务的马睿表示,一大困难在于,中国人在婚姻问题上的取向仍然传统,并且看重家庭背景和经济条件。陌陌上配对的男女很少能转变为长期关系,因此人们不太可能愿意为这种服务支付高价。
She noted that, at offline dating events, “people bring their parents because your whole family’s buy-in is needed”.