When Li Ka-shing – one of one of the world’s most successful asset traders – sells anything, the question is always why. For Hong Kong Electric, the first of two big spin-offs expected from Mr Li this year, the answer looks simple at first glance. The sale will help fund juicier investments at Power Assets Holdings, HK Electric’s parent, whose businesses range from keeping the lights on in southern Australia to distributing electricity to the London Underground. But the smarter question is: why now?
李嘉诚(Li Ka-shing)是全球范围内在资产买卖方面最成功的商人之一,每当他出售任何一项资产时,人们总要问个为什么。外界预计,他今年将实施两宗大型分拆案,第一宗涉及的是香港电灯有限公司(Hong Kong Electric,简称港灯)。乍一看,分拆理由很简单:出售港灯能为其母公司电能实业有限公司(Power Assets Holdings,简称电能实业)筹集资金,用于回报更丰厚的投资。电能实业的业务广泛,从为澳大利亚南部供电到为伦敦地铁配电等。但更聪明的问题是:为什么是现在?
Mr Li is creating a business trust for between 51 and 70 per cent of HK Electric, one of just two utilities supplying the territory. PAH shareholders vote today, but since 39 per cent of the votes belong to Mr Li’s empire, it would seem a done deal. PAH should reap between $2.7bn and $4.8bn, after taking out $2.7bn in loan repayments. That is a decent sum for shopping.
Maybe the timing is as simple as Mr Li’s having his eye on a particular bargain, or that PAH’s international business is now bigger than its home base. There may be a regulatory angle too: direct ownership by the Hong Kong public, not through PAH, would likely make it politically harder to cut HK Electric’s current 9.9 per cent regulated returns when renegotiation looms. Limiting Mr Li’s income is one thing, hurting hard-working Hong Kongers is another.
There are also rising interest rates to consider. HK Electric’s planned yield of between 5.5 and 7.3 per cent makes it interesting when electricity utilities around the world are offering an average 4 per cent. But even the highest-yielding equities will suffer if rates ratchet up properly. Hong Kong’s five-year yields have trebled since May . Mr Li is not selling at the absolute top for yieldy investments, but his timing is still good. That leaves investors free to ponder the next question of any Mr Li deal: just what will he use the money for?