Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza Chain: Pizza Hut Pizza Hut ran a limited time offer from April through May that was a cheese lover's heaven and a lactose intolerant person's nightmare. In the Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza, the regular pie was surrounded by 16 "dough pockets," which were basically pizza dough filled with a combination of five cheeses, that could be removed and eaten on their own or attached to the slice. Pizza Hut told Fortune it took the company a year to develop and that it tested more than 50 cheese combos. Notable Review: "The future of American pop food seems to be products based on the fever dreams of a madman, if stuff like the new Crazy Cheesy Crust Pizza by Pizza Hut is anything to judge by." - 疯狂奶酪皮比萨 连锁餐厅:必胜客 必胜客(Pizza Hut)在4月份至5月份供应的这款新品堪称奶酪爱好者的天堂,乳糖不耐症者的噩梦。疯狂的奶酪皮比萨是一个标准馅饼周围附加了16块“面团口袋”,它们基本上是由5种奶酪结合而成的比萨面团,可取下来单独吃,或者附着在比萨周围。必胜客告诉《财富》杂志,它历经1年时间才开发出了这款新品,先后测试了超过50种奶酪组合。 精彩评论:“美国快餐的未来,似乎是基于疯子的发烧梦制作而成的产品,我只能这样评判疯狂的奶酪皮比萨这类食物。” —— 内容来自:可可英语 //