14. They Don’t Hang Out with Toxic People 不和“有毒”的人混在一起
Positive people don’t let negative, toxic people drag them down. Instead, they surround themselves with other positive people who are fun and inspiring to be with. Why should a positive person spend their time with a person who complains about everything and gossips about everybody? Positive people know there is no good answer to that question. 积极的人不会让消极思想的人们把他们拖下水。相反,他们会让周围聚集一群积极有趣有激情的人们。积极的人为何要花时间去和总是不断抱怨不断八卦的人在一起呢?当然这个问题没有完美的答案。来源:可可英语 //m.moreplr.com/read/201401/273318.shtml