Cache High School students are starting a new program in the hopes of increasing reading scores and student learning. Starting on Tuesday at 10 a.m., each class will devote 30 minutes a day to reading as a class or individually. The entire school will be reading “The Hunger Games” by Suzanne Collins.
The new reading program was developed after school principal Sheri Hansen saw the students’ reading scores from the beginning of the year.
“Once I saw those, I started thinking about options out there that would help the most,” Hansen said. “I just decided that as a school, if we take a book that is interesting and discussed it and practiced reading, all the way around, it would help our reading; it would help our confidence in front of other people.”
“当我看到学生们的成绩的时候,就开始设想怎么做才能更好的帮助学生们自我提高,” 汉森说。“我想到,如果校方能够选出一本学生们感兴趣的书籍,让学生们练习阅读、相互讨论,这不仅可以提高学生的阅读水平,也能提高学生们在其他人面前的自信。”
Research has shown that reading either as a class or alone improves both reading comprehension and ability. Hansen hopes the new 30 minutes a day will accomplish just that.
“The Hunger Games,” written in 2008, is about a 16-year-old girl who lives in an post-apocalyptic nation where order is maintained by using a lottery system to select one boy and one girl from each of the 12 districts for participation in a televised fight to the death. The book and its two subsequent sequels received critical acclaim. The first book, “The Hunger Games,” was made into a movie, released in 2012. The second book, “Catching Fire,” was released on Nov. 22.
The book was chosen by the school’s counselor, librarian and Hansen herself. The three administrators began looking at books within the reading level they wanted.
The school administration will evaluate the program once the book is completed. Hansen hopes it will have an effect on student reading scores.
“I hope that they can read better,” Hansen said. “I want them to be reading and comprehending.”
“我希望他们的阅读水平有一个全方面的提高,” 汉森说。“我希望他们养成阅读习惯,提高阅读能力。”