The eurozone’s new chief banking regulator has warned that some of the region’s lenders have no future and should be allowed to die, heralding a far tougher approach to supervision across the currency bloc.
In her first interview since taking charge of the euro area’s new banking overseer, the Single Supervisory Mechanism, Danièle Nouy also signalled she wanted to weaken the link between governments and the bloc’s banks that lies at the core of the region’s crisis by breaking with tradition and demanding lenders hold capital against their sovereign assets.
丹妮儿•诺伊(Danièle Nouy)在执掌欧元区新的银行监管机构——单一监管机制(Single Supervisory Mechanism)以来首次接受采访时还发出信号暗示,她希望削弱欧元区各国政府与银行之间的联系,此类联系是欧元区危机中的核心问题,具体做法是打破传统,要求银行针对各自的主权资产持有资本。
“One of the biggest lessons of the current crisis is that there is no risk-free asset, so sovereigns are not risk-free assets. That has been demonstrated, so now we have to react,” Mrs Nouy said. “What I would admit is that maybe it’s not the best moment in the middle of the crisis to change the rules – that’s possible. This being said, there is the possibility to do more and some countries are applying stricter rules.”
Global rules set before the financial crisis allowed lenders to hold no capital against their government bond portfolios, at the discretion of national regulators. But, despite the region’s crisis exposing the depth of the interconnections between the sovereigns and their banking systems, Europe’s lenders have been buying government bonds in increasing amounts.
Mrs Nouy agreed with Mario Draghi, the president of the European Central Bank, that the ECB’s upcoming health check of the region’s biggest lenders would need to see some institutions fail to be credible. “We have to accept that some banks have no future,” she said, parrying speculation that consolidation could save the currency bloc’s weakest lenders. “We have to let some disappear in an orderly fashion, and not necessarily try to merge them with other institutions.”
诺伊赞同欧洲央行(ECB)行长马里奥•德拉吉(Mario Draghi)的说法,即欧洲央行对欧元区大银行即将进行的健康检查如果要可信,就需要看到某些机构“不及格”。“我们不得不接受的是,有些银行没有前途,”她表示。她回避了有关通过合并可以拯救欧元区最弱银行的猜测。“我们必须让某些银行以有序方式消失,而不一定是试图让它们与其他机构合并。”
The appointment of Mrs Nouy, who joins the SSM from the helm of France’s banking supervisor, comes at a crucial time for the region’s lenders. Her first task is to oversee the health check, which will include an asset quality review and stress tests, before overseeing their supervision towards the end of this year.
Mrs Nouy said European lenders were in a better state than investors thought and hoped that the health check would prove this by providing more transparency on banks’ assets.
Her readiness to countenance bank failures will trigger alarm among national politicians reluctant to see local lenders go to the wall. Italy has moved to reject the idea of setting up a “bad bank” for fear that it will focus market attention on the exposure of Italian banks to a rising level of non-performing loans and put the country’s credit rating at risk.