If time travel were possible, what would you do? Visit a deceased family member? Correct past mistakes? Perhaps even change history a little bit?
Tim Lake (Domhnall Gleeson), the protagonist in the new romantic comedy About Time, uses his ability to travel back in time to find the love of his life.
The element of time travel in romantic dramas is certainly not new. Movies such as Kate & Leopold (2001), The Time Traveler’s Wife (2009) and Midnight in Paris (2011) are all based on premises taken right out of sci-fi fantasy. Only these films, in spirit, aren’t science-fiction — they’re closer to sweet fables of destiny.
About Time is also a film in that tradition. Tim comes from a nice, comfortable British family, and he has no serious worries, except for his luck with women. On his 21st birthday, his father (Bill Nighy) reveals a major secret: The men in their family have the ability to go back in time.
《时空恋旅人》也延续了这一惯例。蒂姆来自一个温馨富足的英国家庭,尽管生活无忧无虑,但是爱情方面却一直不走运。21岁生日那天,父亲(比尔?奈伊 饰)告诉他一个天大的秘密:他们家族的男人具有穿越时空、回到过去的能力。
Soon, Tim gets his chance to work on the romance issue when he meets Mary (Rachel McAdams) in a restaurant. He “re-meets” her, perfecting their “chance” encounter. They fall in love, marry and have children.
很快,蒂姆在一家餐馆邂逅了玛丽(瑞秋?麦克亚当斯 饰),他终于有机会来塑造自己的爱情故事了。他穿梭时空回到过去,与玛丽再次重逢,创造出了一次完美邂逅。他们双双坠入爱河,结婚生子。
It may sound cliched, but About Time has more than romance and comedy on its mind. “What keeps it from straying into cloying sitcom turf is the presence of real-life problems and issues, and the comforting and humorous manner in which director Richard Curtis tackles love, sorrow and death,” Claudia Puig writes in a review for USA Today.
尽管剧情听起来可能有些老套,但是《时空恋旅人》并非只是一部爱情喜剧。克劳迪娅?普伊格在《今日美国》中评论道:“ 该片之所以并未落入情景喜剧的俗套,一则是因为片中再现了一些现实生活中的问题,二来是由于导演理查德?柯蒂斯在处理爱情、悲伤与死亡等桥段时运用的治愈系幽默手法。”
To Curtis’ credit, the acclaimed screenwriter (Notting Hill) and director (Love Actually) finds a convincing mix in About Time, making the film feel grounded and authentic. “Time passes, Tim matures, his relationship stabilizes, and the film turns its focus to the whole of life, to other facets of love,” an NPR review says.
While time travel may give Tim the unique ability to go back and help friends and family in their struggles, Curtis also explores the limits of this gift — or, according to The New York Times’ review, “the inevitability of life’s end”, which gives the story more emotional weight.
“About Time is about time,” the article says. “It asks us to reflect on how we all use that resource, how the hours and minutes that make up a day or a life align with our intentions and values.”