In announcing Facebook's deal to acquire the mobile-messaging app WhatsApp for $19 billion, Mark Zuckerberg said he's 'known Jan for a long time.' The rest of us, particularly people in the U.S., aren't as familiar.
在宣布Facebook以190亿美元收购移动消息应用公司WhatsApp的交易时,扎克伯格(Mark Zuckerberg)说他很久以前就认识简•库姆(Jan Koum)。但其他人,尤其是美国人,对简•库姆可能不是那么熟悉。
Jan Koum co-founded WhatsApp along with Brian Acton, a former colleague at Yahoo, and is the mobile-messaging company's chief executive. He is taking on another big role: a Facebook board member.
简•库姆和他当年在雅虎(Yahoo)的同事布莱恩•埃克顿(Brian Acton)共同创建了WhatsApp,并担任这家移动消息应用公司的首席执行长。库姆即将担任另一个重要职务:Facebook的董事。
But on his LinkedIn page, the 37-year-old Koum flies more under-the-radar. He lists himself as a QA tester and a senior tweet manager. If you want to know much more, he suggests, go see Brian's profile. During his decade at Yahoo, he worked in infrastructure and security engineering. By his own admission in listing his education -- barely graduating from MVHS in 1995 and dropping out of San Jose State University -- he had other things on his mind.
但在LinkedIn的个人主页上,现年37岁的库姆有着更多不引人注目头衔和经历。资料显示他说自己是一名质量保证检测员以及资深推特管理员。他建议,如果想了解他的更多情况,不妨去看看布莱恩的资料。库姆在雅虎的10年任职于基础设施和安全工程部门。他在介绍自己学历时承认,在学校就读的时候满脑子里装的都是其他事。他1995年勉强从山景城高中(MVHS)毕业,后来从圣何塞州立大学(San Jose State University)辍学。
Like its founder, WhatsApp is a quiet company. Sequoia says WhatsApp didn't spend a single penny on marketing and is a veritable stranger in the U.S. -- there is 'no other home grown technology company that's so widely loved overseas and so under appreciated at home,' the venture-capital firm said.
和其创立者一样,WhatsApp也是个不事声张的公司。红杉资本(Sequoia Capital )称,WhatsApp没有在营销上花一分钱,在美国是个十足的生面孔。这家风投公司称,还没有其他一家本土科技公司在海外广受青睐却在自己的国家默默无闻。
Not that WhatsApp didn't toot its horn: Every two months the company announced its latest leap in monthly active users, usually to the tune of another 50 million. At last count, it had about 450 million active users.
In a December update, Koum said his company's focus was on messaging and only messaging -- no games, no advertising, no gimmicks. WhatsApp wants 'to get out of the way. We want to let people have a conversation.'
In a Tumblr post on the deal Wednesday, WhatsApp investor Sequoia Capital talked about how Koum's experience emigrating to the U.S. as a 16-year-old, and desire to keep in touch with family back in Russia and Ukraine, helped shape his focus on conversations.
Last May, Koum spent 30 minutes onstage at the D: Dive Into Mobile conference in New York. He talked through why the company was averse to advertising and selling the company (he said as much again months later), and why the app means so much to different people.
去年5月,库姆在纽约D: Dive Into Mobile大会上发表了30分钟的演讲。当时他讲到了为什么WhatsApp对广告和把公司出售非常反感(几个月之后他又说了这样的话),以及为什么这个应用对于各类人群都有非常重要的意义。