In the book Seeking Happily Ever After: Navigating the Ups and Downs of Being Single Without Losing Your Mind (and Finding Lasting Love Along the Way), US author Michelle Cove tries to reveal what women really want out of a relationship. As reported in Marie Claire, a women’s magazine in the US, Cove identifies some of the categories of single women based on intensive interviews. 在《寻找幸福——不失本心地走过单身的起起落落,并沿路找寻天长地久》一书中,美国作家米歇尔?卡夫试图揭露出女人在感情中真正想要的东西。在美国女性时尚杂志《嘉人》的一篇报道中,卡夫在对一些单身女性进行深入采访后,将她们分成了如下几类: