HTC, the struggling Taiwanese smartphone maker, is hoping to make its comeback against Apple and Samsung with a new flagship phone.
The Android-powered HTC One (M8), launched yesterday at simultaneous events in New York and London, features an all metal body and innovations including dual rear-facing camera lenses capable of capturing images in depth, and an array of smart sensors designed to make the phone easier to use. Cher Wang, HTC’s chairwoman and co-founder, said 2014 would be “HTC’s comeback year. It will be a good year”.
搭载安卓(Android)系统的HTC One (M8)昨日在纽约和伦敦同步发布。这款手机为全金属机身,拥有很多创新,包括能够深度捕捉图像的双后置摄像头,以及一系列智能传感器,让手机更容易操作。HTC董事长兼联合创始人王雪红(Cher Wang)表示,2014年将是“HTC的回归之年。这将是个好年份。”
Although HTC’s family of HTC One handsets have generally been well received by reviewers, a series of management and marketing missteps have combined to hold back sales, particularly in the US, HTC’s largest market.
尽管“HTC One”系列总体上受到了评论人士的好评,但一系列管理和营销失误打击了该系列产品销量,尤其是在HTC的最大市场美国。
HTC’s share of the global smartphone market has fallen from more than 9 per cent in early 2011 to just 2 per cent last year, according to Strategy Analytics. It has slipped from being second in the US market behind Apple, to number five. Meanwhile, HTC’s share price has fallen by 80 per cent during that period.
根据Strategy Analytics的数据,HTC占全球智能手机市场的份额从2011年初的逾9%下滑至去年的仅仅2%。该公司在美国市场的排名从仅次于苹果的第二位,下滑至第5位。与此同时,HTC的股价同期下挫80%。