Last year, somewhere deep in the bowels of Fiat's Ufficio Stampa in Turin, Italy, an employee had a problem. On the screen was a news release about the first load of Serbia-built Fiat 500Ls arriving from Montenegro to the Port of Baltimore. He or she was obliged to write something pleasant about the car's driving.
去年,在意大利都灵(Turin, Italy)菲亚特公司(Fiat)新闻办公室(Ufficio Stampa)深处的某个地方,一名员工遇到了一个问题。显示屏上是一篇新闻发布稿,报道的是在塞尔维亚制造的首批菲亚特500L型汽车从黑山(Montenegro)运抵巴尔的摩港(Port of Baltimore)的消息。他或她不得不对该车的驾驶性能写点中看的东西。
The 'North American Fiat 500L delivers excellent performance and great driving pleasure,' this person perjured blandly. 'These enviable characteristics are made even more interesting by typical European handling and precise, responsive steering.'
Dan Neil/The Wall Street Journal 图片:“小丑车”菲亚特500L“北美版的菲亚特500L拥有卓越的性能表现和极大的驾驶乐趣,”这名员工满不在乎地杜撰道,“加上典型的欧洲车操控及响应灵敏的精准转向性能,这些令人羡慕的特征显得更加引人入胜。”

Hmm, not so much. Actually, the 500L (front-drive, five-door liftback) corners like the world's smallest '65 Pontiac Bonneville. At engine speeds below 2,250 rpm, there is no one home torque-wise. You hit the gas and time stands still, a la 'The Matrix.' And the six-speed manual gearbox is the vaguest, wobbliest such mechanism I've encountered since I was winning dance contests in my three-piece suit. This thing isn't a transmission. It is an intermission.
唔,哪有那么好啊。实际上,这款菲亚特500L(前驱、五门掀背车)仿佛是世界上最小的1965款庞蒂克·博纳维尔汽车(Pontiac Bonneville)。发动机转数在低于每分钟2,250转时,车就没有了充足的扭力。你脚踩油门,而时间却像电影《黑客帝国》(The Matrix)里那样凝固了。那台六速手动变速箱是自打我身穿三件套西装赢得舞蹈比赛以来见过的最不清晰、最摇摆不定的系统。这玩意儿哪是传动装置啊,它是阻断传动的机构。
And yet it is fair to say the 500L drives exactly as designed. Indeed, the 500L's best qualities -- a hip, high-stye interior with scads of flexible space and utility -- are aimed squarely at consumers who are, shall we say, driving-agnostic. Our test car's cabin, upholstered with handsome charcoal cloth with rich brown, faux-leather gussets, sets a table of big, usable; affirmative-feeling switches and controls; respectable soft-touch materials; and lively graphics. The rear seats and front passenger seat all have tilt, tumble and fold function that allows loading of large items. IKEA, here we come.
The product brief for this car privileged, above all else, interior space, as in raw cubic feet, inches of headroom, legroom, seat travel, low floor height and flexible capacity (the 'L' is supposed to suggest 'Lounge,' or 'Large,' but no one in Turin seems to be sure). The 500L encloses a volume of 121.1 cubic feet of interior space, piled but just barely on a 102.8-inch wheelbase and overall length of 167.3 inches.
菲亚特500L测试车售价:23,395美元(约合人民币14.5万元)动力系统: 1.4升进气口喷射直列四缸带可变气门正时技术的中冷式涡轮增压发动机;六速手动变速箱(销售的大多为自动变速箱);前轮驱动。马力/扭矩:5,500转/分钟时功率为160马力,转速在2,500-4,000转之间时,扭矩为184磅英尺(约合249牛米)车身长度/重量:167.3英寸(约合4249毫米)/3,203磅(约合1454公斤)轴距:102.8英寸(约合2611毫米)0-60英里(约96公里)时速加速时间:9.1秒环保署(EPA)燃油经济性:城市每加仑25英里(约合40公里)/公路每加仑33公里(约合53公里)/综合路况每加仑28英里(约合45公里)载货容积(第二排座位后):22.4立方英尺(0.63立方米)这款车的产品简介特别强调的是它的内部空间,比如原始长宽高尺寸、头部空间、腿部空间、座椅移动功能、超低的车厢地板高度以及灵活可变的容积(车名型号中的“L”应该指的是“Lounge”(休息室——译注)或“Large”(大——译注)的意思,但是都灵方面好像没有一个人敢肯定)。菲亚特500L车内空间的容积为121.1立方英尺(约合3.43立方米),而承载这样空间的仅仅是102.8英寸(约合2.61米)的轴距和167.3英寸(约合4.25米)的整车长度。
Based on Fiat's global small-wide platform and descendant of the Fiat Punto, the 500L is about 5 inches shorter, bumper-to-bumper, than a Ford Focus hatchback. But it is 27.7 inches longer than its namesake, the Fiat 500 coupe, as well as 5.7 inches wider and 5.9 inches taller. The notion was to give Fiat intenders a family-practical vehicle with capacities the little one couldn't touch.
菲亚特500L基于菲亚特的全球小宽车平台打造,是菲亚特鹏托(Fiat Punto)的后续车型,它的车身长度比掀背版的福特福克斯(Ford Focus)短大约5英寸(约合127毫米),但它的长宽高比同名的菲亚特500 coupe分别多出27.7英寸(约合704毫米)、5.7英寸(约合145毫米)和5.9英寸(约合150毫米),其意图是为钟情菲亚特的客户提供一辆容量比菲亚特500 coup更大、更实用的家用汽车。
The 500's cheery, anthropomorphic styling cues, as if drawn with a pencil nub, have been grafted on the much larger car, but the results are disquieting. If the tiny 500 is a glamorous flea of a city car, our pale-yellow 500L test car looked a bit like an overinflated canary.
On the inside, there is human-factors magic. The 500L's openness in the front cabin -- the raised height of the front seats, the low scuttle, and the car's unusual, windowed A pillars, giving the car essentially transparent front corners -- all create a compelling panoramic outward view. I predict the interior alpinism will sell the car when things like handling won't. And only occasionally do you feel like you're wearing a novelty-size sombrero.
The 500L plays in what's known in Europe as the B-MPV segment -- that is, a B segment (small five-passenger car, like Ford Focus) multipurpose vehicle (small van, like the Citroen C3 Picasso). In terms of its big-on-the-inside packaging, the 500L's competitors in the U.S. include niche-y, adorable blockheads Nissan Cube ($16,760 MSRP) and Kia Soul.
菲亚特500L在欧洲属于所谓的B-MPV类汽车——即,B类(像福特福克斯那样的小型五座汽车)多功能汽车(像雪铁龙C3毕加索(Citroen C3 Picasso)那样的小型厢式汽车)。就其车内的大空间设计而言,菲亚特500L在美国的竞争对手包括小众的可爱呆瓜日产Cube(厂商建议零售价16,760美元(约合人民币10.4万元))和起亚秀尔(Kia Soul)。
The 500L comes in four trim levels with names that sound like the chill rooms at Bonnaroo: Pop, Easy, Trekking and the feature-laden Lounge. The test car ($23,395) was up-fitted with the 'Trekking' trim level, including a half-inch rise in ride height, and 17-inch all-season tires with alloy rims. As part of what must be a fairly expensive come-on for the North American market, the 500L comes with a complimentary UConnect 6.5-inch touch-screen system with audio, navigation and rearview camera, a $1,745 line item.
If you plot interior dimensions against cost, the rough arithmetic favors the Kia, with a base price of only $14,900 and more interior cubes than either the Fiat or Nissan, packaged in a car shorter and lower than either.
However, with regard to the Fiat's aspirations to Euro-design cachet and charisma, and the price premiums they command, the segment bogey is obviously BMW's Mini Countryman, Mini's own very large take on its very small car.
然而,要说菲亚特谋求欧洲设计的声望和魅力,并由此而定价偏高,宝马(BMW)的Mini Countryman才是这个级别的妖怪,Mini这款超小的车赚取了超大的利润。
The Countryman ($22,100) is smaller on the inside than the 500L (102 cubic feet vs. 121 cf), but it is also half a foot shorter, a bit lighter. But the Fiat gets about 10% better highway fuel economy.
Performance-wise, in a straight line, it is about a draw. Despite the 500L's power advantage over the Countryman (160 vs. 121 hp), the cars' power-to-weight ratios are nearly identical, around 20 pounds per horsepower. Acceleration is about the same for both these pygmy show ponies, around 9.1 seconds to 60 mph. In any event, this isn't a drag race one would pay to see.
Naturally, the Countryman feels crisper, sharper and much more level and trustworthy in corners than the 500L when you are driving with any pace. Compared with the Mini, the 500L is sprung like a nursery's rocking horse and, as I mentioned, the Fiat's six-speed manual gearbox is a shambles.
很自然,在拐弯的时候,不管你以何速度驾驶,Countryman比菲亚特500L更利索,更轻快,更平稳,更让人放心。与Mini Countryman相比,菲亚特500L颠簸起来就像托儿所的摇摆木马一样,正如我前面所提到的,菲亚特的六速手动变速箱就是一团糟。
Here again, the package rules. Fiat designers wanted the floor low and the seat height high, so drivers could enjoy the commanding view. But to do that, they needed an awfully long gearshift lever in order for it to fall to hand. And thus the 500L's lengthy, and dodgy, gearstick and its occasional mystery-gear function.
Of course, few of these cars will actually be sold with the manual transmission; nearly all will go out the door equipped with the six-speed dual clutch transmission, the same gearbox that is the subject of a safety recall. If you are considering a 500L, go ahead and get the automatic. It is an easy fix; a software glitch.
The 500L does have a pretty sporting little engine under the hood: an intercooled turbo, 1.4-liter, 16-valve four producing a goodly 184 foot-pounds of torque at 2,500 rpm. But this engine's throttle response is so famously logy and it can only be the result of some aggressive fuel-saving algorithms in the engine-control calibration. Like other Fiats, you have to keep the engine well on the boil, rev-wise. Even then the torques start to fade away at higher engine speeds so that by about 80 mph in sixth gear, the little-big car is getting winded. An Abarth performance package would do wonders, but Fiat execs say that a 500L Abarth edition isn't in the tarot.
She's not much to drive -- mille scusi, anonymous press official -- but she's awfully easy to live with. Mom always said, that's what counts.