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"I don't see, Brother Morris," said the chairman, "that it matters to us who buys them, since they can't carry them out of the district."“我不明白,莫里斯兄弟,"麦金蒂说道,“既然他们不能把矿产从这个地方带走,谁买走它们,与我们又有什么关系呢?”
"With all respect to you, Eminent Bodymaster, I think it may matter very much to us. This process has been going on now for ten long years. We are gradually driving all the small men out of trade. What is the result? We find in their places great companies like the Railroad or the General Iron, who have their directors in New York or Philadelphia, and care nothing for our threats. We can take it out of their local bosses; but it only means that others will be sent in their stead. And we are making it dangerous for ourselves. The small men could not harm us. They had not the money nor the power. So long as we did not squeeze them too dry, they would stay on under our power. But if these big companies find that we stand between them and their profits, they will spare no pains and no expense to hunt us down and bring us to court."“我十分敬重你,尊敬的身主,但我认为这与我们有很大的关系。这种变化过程到现在已有十年之久了。我们已经逐渐把所有的小资本家赶跑了。结果怎样呢?我们发现代替他们的是象铁路公司或煤铁总公司这样的大公司,这些公司在纽约或费城有他们的董事,对我们的恫吓置之不理。我们虽然能赶走他们在本地的工头,但这只不过意味着另派别人来代替他们而已,而我们自己反而招来危险。那些小资本家对我们不能有任何危害。他们既无钱又无势。只要我们不过于苛刻地压榨他们,他们就可以在我们的势力范围内继续留下来。可是如果这些大公司发觉我们妨碍他们和他们的利益,他们就会不遗余力,不惜工本地设法摧毁我们并向法院控诉我们。”
There was a hush at these ominous words, and every face darkened as gloomy looks were exchanged. So omnipotent and unchallenged had they been that the very thought that there was possible retribution in the background had been banished from their minds. And yet the idea struck a chill to the most reckless of them.听到这些不吉祥的话,大家静默下来,神情沮丧,脸色阴沉。他们过去具有无上的权威,从未遭到过挫折,以至他们根本不曾想到自己会得到什么报应。然而,就连他们里面最不顾一切的人,听到莫里斯的想法,也觉得扫兴。
"It is my advice," the speaker continued, "that we go easier upon the small men. On the day that they have all been driven out the power of this society will have been broken."“我劝各位,"莫里斯继续说道,“以后对小资本家不要太苛刻了。如果有朝一日他们全被逼走了,那么我们这个社团的势力也就被破坏啦。”
Unwelcome truths are not popular. There were angry cries as the speaker resumed his seat. McGinty rose with gloom upon his brow.实话是不受欢迎的。莫里斯说完刚刚落座,就听到一些人在高声怒叱。麦金蒂双眉紧皱,阴郁不快地站起身来。
"Brother Morris," said he, "you were always a croaker. So long as the members of this lodge stand together there is no power in the United States that can touch them. Sure, have we not tried it often enough in the lawcourts? I expect the big companies will find it easier to pay than to fight, same as the little companies do. And now, Brethren," McGinty took off his black velvet cap and his stole as he spoke, "this lodge has finished its business for the evening, save for one small matter which may be mentioned when we are parting. The time has now come for fraternal refreshment and for harmony."“莫里斯兄弟,"麦金蒂说道,“你总是到处报丧。只要我们会众齐心协力,在美国就没有一种力量能碰碰我们。不错,我们不是常在法庭上和人较量么?我料想那些大公司会发觉,他们若象那些小公司一样向我们付款,倒比和我们斗争容易得多。现在,弟兄们,"麦金蒂说话时,取下他的平顶绒帽和圣带,“今晚会务进行完了,只有一件小事要在散会前再提一下。现在是兄弟们举杯痛饮、尽情欢乐的时候了。”
Strange indeed is human nature. Here were these men, to whom murder was familiar, who again and again had struck down the father of the family, some man against whom they had no personal feeling, without one thought of compunction or of compassion for his weeping wife or helpless children, and yet the tender or pathetic in music could move them to tears. McMurdo had a fine tenor voice, and if he had failed to gain the good will of the lodge before, it could no longer have been withheld after he had thrilled them with "I'm Sitting on the Stile, Mary," and "On the Banks of Allan Water."人类的本性确实是很奇怪的。这是一些把杀人当作家常便饭的人,一而再、再而三毫无人性地残杀过一些家庭的家长,眼见其妻室悲啼,儿女失怙,绝无内疚之心、恻隐之意,然而一听到优柔迫切的音乐,也会感动得落泪。麦克默多有一副优美的男高音歌喉。如果说他以前还未获得会中弟兄的友情善意,那么在他唱"玛丽,我坐在篱垣上"和"在亚兰河两岸”时,却使他们深受感动,再也抑制不住对他的善意了。
In his very first night the new recruit had made himself one of the most popular of the brethren, marked already for advancement and high office. There were other qualities needed, however, besides those of good fellowship, to make a worthy Freeman, and of these he was given an example before the evening was over. The whisky bottle had passed round many times, and the men were flushed and ripe for mischief when their Bodymaster rose once more to address them.就在这第一天夜晚,这位新会员使自己成为弟兄中最受欢迎的一员,已经象征着即将晋升和获得高位。然而,要成为一个受尊敬的自由人会会员,除了这些友情以外,还需要具有另外一些气质,而这个晚上还没过去,麦克默多已经被说成是这些气质的典范了。已经酒过数巡,人们早已醉醺醺,蒙眬眬,这时身主又站起来向他们讲话。
"Boys," said he, "there's one man in this town that wants trimming up, and it's for you to see that he gets it. I'm speaking of James Stanger of the Herald. You've seen how he's been opening his mouth against us again?"“弟兄们,"麦金蒂说道,“在镇上有一个人应当剪除,你们也知道,他是应当受到处罚的。我说的是《先驱报》的詹姆士·斯坦格。你们不是已经看到他又在破口大骂我们了吗?”
There was a murmur of assent, with many a muttered oath. McGinty took a slip of paper from his waistcoat pocket.这时室内迸发出一阵赞同的低语声,有些人诅咒发誓。麦金蒂从背心口袋里拿出一张报纸来读道:
"LAW AND ORDER!“法律与秩序!
That's how he heads it.“这是斯坦格给加上的标题。

"I don't see, Brother Morris," said the chairman, "that it matters to us who buys them, since they can't carry them out of the district."
"With all respect to you, Eminent Bodymaster, I think it may matter very much to us. This process has been going on now for ten long years. We are gradually driving all the small men out of trade. What is the result? We find in their places great companies like the Railroad or the General Iron, who have their directors in New York or Philadelphia, and care nothing for our threats. We can take it out of their local bosses; but it only means that others will be sent in their stead. And we are making it dangerous for ourselves. The small men could not harm us. They had not the money nor the power. So long as we did not squeeze them too dry, they would stay on under our power. But if these big companies find that we stand between them and their profits, they will spare no pains and no expense to hunt us down and bring us to court."
There was a hush at these ominous words, and every face darkened as gloomy looks were exchanged. So omnipotent and unchallenged had they been that the very thought that there was possible retribution in the background had been banished from their minds. And yet the idea struck a chill to the most reckless of them.
"It is my advice," the speaker continued, "that we go easier upon the small men. On the day that they have all been driven out the power of this society will have been broken."
Unwelcome truths are not popular. There were angry cries as the speaker resumed his seat. McGinty rose with gloom upon his brow.
"Brother Morris," said he, "you were always a croaker. So long as the members of this lodge stand together there is no power in the United States that can touch them. Sure, have we not tried it often enough in the lawcourts? I expect the big companies will find it easier to pay than to fight, same as the little companies do. And now, Brethren," McGinty took off his black velvet cap and his stole as he spoke, "this lodge has finished its business for the evening, save for one small matter which may be mentioned when we are parting. The time has now come for fraternal refreshment and for harmony."
Strange indeed is human nature. Here were these men, to whom murder was familiar, who again and again had struck down the father of the family, some man against whom they had no personal feeling, without one thought of compunction or of compassion for his weeping wife or helpless children, and yet the tender or pathetic in music could move them to tears. McMurdo had a fine tenor voice, and if he had failed to gain the good will of the lodge before, it could no longer have been withheld after he had thrilled them with "I'm Sitting on the Stile, Mary," and "On the Banks of Allan Water."
In his very first night the new recruit had made himself one of the most popular of the brethren, marked already for advancement and high office. There were other qualities needed, however, besides those of good fellowship, to make a worthy Freeman, and of these he was given an example before the evening was over. The whisky bottle had passed round many times, and the men were flushed and ripe for mischief when their Bodymaster rose once more to address them.
"Boys," said he, "there's one man in this town that wants trimming up, and it's for you to see that he gets it. I'm speaking of James Stanger of the Herald. You've seen how he's been opening his mouth against us again?"
There was a murmur of assent, with many a muttered oath. McGinty took a slip of paper from his waistcoat pocket.
That's how he heads it.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
murmur ['mə:mə]


n. 低语,低声的抱怨,[医]心区杂音

unwelcome [ʌn'welkəm]


adj. 不受欢迎的 n. 冷淡

tenor ['tenə]


n. 要旨,誉本,一般趋向,男高音,次中音乐器 adj.

resumed [ri'zju:m, -'zu:m]


n. 履历;个人简历;摘要 vt. 重新开始;重新获得

squeeze [skwi:z]


v. 压榨,挤压,塞进
n. 压榨,勒索,榨取

recruit [ri'kru:t]


v. 招募,征兵,吸收(新成员),补充

harmony ['hɑ:məni]


n. 和弦,协调,和睦,调和

gloomy ['glu:mi]


adj. 阴暗的,抑沉的,忧闷的

hush [hʌʃ]


n. 肃静,安静,沉默
vi. 安静下来,掩饰

address [ə'dres]


n. 住址,致词,讲话,谈吐,(处理问题的)技巧





