8. Liberal Arts | 5 p.m.
Many interesting new developments in the city's northern districts of Holesovice and Bubenec fly under the radar. Start out at the excellent two-year-old Kavarna Liberal, an old-school coffeehouse with high ceilings, refreshing spirits and free Wi-Fi, where you can ask the friendly locals for tips. Down the street, check to see if the four-month-old Galerie Zari, an unusual exhibition space, is open on weekends, as the schedule has recently changed; the neighboring Galerie Zari should be open on Saturdays later this spring.
霍莱斯索维和布本尼克北部区域许多绕有趣味的新变化,都是不知不觉中发生的。从两年前开张的出色的 "自由卡瓦纳尔"(Kavarna Liberal)说起,这个旧式咖啡屋有着高高的天花板,提神的烈酒和免费无线上网服务,在那里你向友善的当地人询问一些旅行小贴士。沿着街道往下走,查看一下刚四个月前开张的"扎日画馆"(Galerie Zari) 是否在周末开馆,这是一个别致的展览区,不过开馆时间不久前有变动。扎日画馆应是从这个春末开始,每周六开放。