Jaws collectively dropped in the media fishbowl yesterday with the announcement that New York Times editor-in-chief Jill Abramson was losing her job. Even the Times' crack reporters were initially "gob-smacked" by the news in their front yard, delivered to them by publisher Arthur Sulzberger Jr. -- who merely said that Abramson had been dismissed over "an issue with management in the newsroom."
《纽约时报》(the New York Times)日前宣布解雇总编吉尔o艾布拉姆森时,传媒界一片哗然。即便是《纽约时报》那些见多识广的记者们也一下子被这条消息“弄懵”了,发行人小阿瑟o苏兹伯格在宣布时只是说,艾布拉姆森被解雇是因为“新闻编辑室的管理出了问题。”
But in all the talk about Abramson's management style -- and the important debate about whether or not women executives are held to a double standard -- there has been little said on a topic that may be most relevant of all: In a just plain lousy environment for traditional broadsheets, Abramson's newsroom was managing far better than most.

In the past decade, newspapers -- the most bludgeoned segment of the ink-on-paper realm -- have shut down, cut staff, gone online-only, thrown up paywalls, and/or outsourced content-producing to less vetted, lesser paid (if vetted and paid at all) community members and "contributors." For a brief time, the Chicago Tribune and Houston Chronicle even relied on computer algorithms and a corps of writers in the Philippines.
过去十年,出版界受冲击最大的报业频频传来倒闭、裁员、转为网络版、取消收费墙和/或将内容制作外包给资历较浅、薪酬较低的社区成员和“供稿人”(如果多少还有一点资历,多少还支付一点薪酬的话)的种种消息。有一段时间,《芝加哥先驱报》(Chicago Tribune)和《休斯顿纪事报》(Houston Chronicle)甚至依赖电脑算法和一帮菲律宾写手。
Yet while much of old media remains adrift (and still trying to figure out how to turn that thing called the Internet into a sustainable business model), The Gray Lady has managed its digital transformation relatively well. Its website leads the industry in delivering old-school journalism with new-age enhancement from data visualizations to video. Abramson, who spent her executive editorship with one foot in the future (and at the occasional tech media conference), deserves some credit for this.
Her tenure, which began months after the paper put up its paywall, brought a handful of digital initiatives that have served as models for the industry. In December 2012, the Times debuted a new digital storytelling platform for "Snow Fall," a long-form narrative written by John Branch. The platform demonstrated both new creative and revenue-generating possibility for multimedia storytelling, and has become so widely admired and imitated by media companies, that the form itself is now known as Snowfall.
她在《纽约时报》树立收费墙数月后上任,实施了多项堪称行业典范的数字项目。2012年12月,《纽约时报》全新的数字叙事平台亮相,在这个平台上,约翰o布兰奇的长篇叙事报道《雪从天降》(Snow Fall)一炮而红。这个平台展现了多媒体叙事的创意和创收可能,受到广泛推崇和效仿,这种形式更是被冠以“雪从天降”体。
In March, the Times launched a handful of subscription digital products, including an app that curates news and others that highlight areas of coverage like food and opinion. It's too early to know how well these have worked, but that Abramson committed newsroom resources to them is something.
As Reed Phillips, of the media investment bank DeSilva and Phillips told me at the time, "My impression is these products are trial balloons, but at least they're innovating. That's the most important thing."
正如传媒投资银行DeSilva and Phillips的里德o菲利普斯当时告诉我:“我的印象是,这些产品是小试牛刀,但他们至少是在创新。这一点最重要。”
He added, "They're clearly the leader among U.S. newspapers in how they're approaching the future of news."
In any case, Abramson was clearly focused on the modern-day challenges of delivering the news. She and her successor, Dean Baquet, commissioned a team of journalists -- headed by Sulzberger's son, A.G. -- to develop an Innovation Report for the Times. The group spent several months on the study and their findings -- ahem, that the Times needs to move faster -- were shared last week.
Ironically, that report led some to suggest that it was Abramson's fault that the newsroom wasn't further ahead.