China’s e-commerce giant Alibaba Holding Group is taking on eBay Inc EBAY 1.20% and Amazon.com Inc AMZN 0.84% in their own home market, launching its own new marketplace called 11 Main.
中国电子商务巨头阿里巴巴控股集团进军美国市场,直逼eBay和亚马逊(Amazon.com Inc)的老巢,在美推出名为11 Main的全新购物平台。
The new platform, which will raise Alibaba’s profile in the US ahead of its blockbuster IPO planned for later this summer, will focus on a limited number of categories to start with, such as fashion, home and collectible items, the Financial Times reported.
阿里巴巴定于今年夏天晚些时候在美上市,在此盛事前推出11 Main,无疑将提升阿里巴巴在美国的知名度。据《金融时报》(the Financial Times )报道,11 Main平台初期将专注于时装、家居和收藏品等类别。
It will aim to attract business from smaller merchants in particular by asking lower commissions than other, existing sites, the Wall Street Journal quoted 11 Main President Mike Effle as saying in an interview.
《华尔街日报》(the Wall Street Journal)称,11 Main总裁迈克o埃弗勒在采访中表示,这个平台将通过收取比其它现有网站更低的佣金,重点吸引规模较小的商家。
The platform has been developed by Vendio and Auctiva, two mainly B2B platforms that Alibaba bought in 2010, with a view to growing what it called a B2B2C franchise.
11 Main平台由阿里巴巴在2010年收购的两家B2B 平台企业,也就是Vendio和Auctiva开发。阿里巴巴曾表示,收购Vendio和Auctiva是为了发展公司的B2B2C产业链。
Separately, Alibaba continued its recent buying spree, saying it would buy the remaining 33% of UCWeb Inc. that it doesn’t already own. UCWeb is the largest mobile browser company in China, with more than 500 million quarterly active users and a domestic market share of just under 66% as of February, according to Beijing-based research company iResearch.
另外,阿里巴巴近来继续大举收购。这家公司表示,将在现有持股的基础上,收购优视公司(UCWeb Inc.)剩余的33%股份(最新消息:UC公司6月12日宣布全资并入阿里巴巴公司)。据总部位于北京的研究公司iResearch称,优视是中国最大的移动浏览器公司,季度活跃用户高达5亿。截至今年2月,它在中国国内市场的份额将近66%。
Alibaba said it would use a combination of shares and cash to pay for the deal, but declined to give any more details about its valuation.
The deal comes only a week after the company said it would buy a 50% stake in Chinese soccer club Guangzhou Evergrande for $190 million from a real estate developer. That deal has raised concerns with investors about Alibaba’s corporate focus ahead of the IPO, which is likely to value it at over $100 billion.
而就在一周前,阿里巴巴才刚刚宣布将斥资1.9亿美元,收购广州恒大足球俱乐部(Guangzhou Evergrande)50%的股权。上市在即,阿里巴巴此举引发了投资者关于这家公司业务重心的担忧。阿里巴巴上市的估值或将超过1000亿美元。