“The birth of online video advertising and monetization and the emergence of excellent new brands shows there is a new moment of opportunity,” he says, adding that those brands can often come directly from advertisers like Jameson, Jaguar, Nike , and Coca-Cola , which decided to create its own “newsroom.”
他说:“线上视频宣传性和货币化功能的产生,以及新兴杰出品牌的出现,预示着新机遇正在靠近。”他还补充说,这些品牌通常直接来自于詹姆森(Jameson)、捷豹(Jaguar)、耐克(Nike)和可口可乐(Coca-Cola)这类准备自行建立 “新闻编辑部”的广告主。
“The distribution offered by these huge video and social media platforms is a unique generational shift that means it is a great opportunity for corporations to take control of their voice and really engage with their audience on a minute-by-minute basis,” he says. “It is a wonderful liberation for marketing chiefs to be able to connect directly in that way.”
That means Barcroft Media is increasingly competing with its own advertisers for content. To stay ahead of the trend, the company is focusing on content streams that it believes are more friendly to advertisers, and making sure that those streams are available on every device.
“Our competition is for eyeball time,” Barcroft says. “Our audience would see watching Mad Men as competition to watching us. You are going to expect to watch a Barcroft TV film on your TV, phone, tablet, on the wall, wherever you want.”
“我们的竞争是为了获得更多的关注,”巴克洛夫特说。“有一天,观众会意识到我们的节目在和《广告狂人》(Mad Men)竞争。将来,巴克洛夫特电视台会出现在你的电视机里、电话上、平板电脑上、墙壁上以及任何你想看到的地方。”
Though the company made its name on scale, today it is more interested in premium content, Barcroft says. “Our ambition with Barcroft TV is to become one of the world’s leading suppliers of factual content. In the medium term, that is what we are concentrating on.”