E-commerce businesses live and die by their customer acquisition costs — the amount of money they spent to bring in a sale. The big difference between that and physical stores is that, once someone enters a physical store, they’re far more likely to buy something. After all, the customer walked in, voluntarily making themselves into a captive audience.
Online though? A cheaper, better, shinier option is just one click away. E-commerce sites pour tons of money and effort into attracting visitors, only to watch them toggle over to another tab without buying anything.
Online conversion rates are a dismal 3% at best, according to Jonathan Opdyke, CEO of commerce advertising startup HookLogic. “Most people who visit these sites are not buying anything, they’re doing research, bouncing between sites,” he says.
That doesn’t mean retailers’ hard-earned audiences can’t be monetized. Increasingly, e-commerce players are seeking ways to monetize their audience the same way online media businesses do: through advertising.
Three years ago, selling ads on an e-commerce site was a cautious experiment. Retailers worried ads would simply send the shopper elsewhere, rather than converting them into a customer. Now, most sophisticated e-commerce operations – from Wal-Mart WMT -0.25% and Target TGT -0.77% to Sears SHLD 0.10% , Sports Authority, and Toys R Us, have a media sales and audience monetization team, Opdyke says. Eight out of ten US retailers now use display advertising, featured products and sponsored links to advertise the wares on their sites, according to a recent study by OC&C Strategy Consultants.
三年前,在电商网站销售广告还只是一个谨慎的实验。零售商担心,这些广告会把访客引向别的地方,而不是把他们转换成自己的客户。现如今,奥普戴克表示,从沃尔玛(Wal-Mart)、塔吉特(Target)到西尔斯百货( Sears ),再到Sports Authority和玩具反斗城(Toys R Us),大多数先进的电子商务运营商都建立了一支媒体销售和受众货币化团队。根据OC&C战略咨询公司(OC&C Strategy Consultants)的一项最新研究,80%的美国零售商正在各自站点上使用背投广告、特色产品和赞助商链接来宣传商品。
One way it works: Retailers sell ad placements to the brands they carry in their online stores. It’s similar to the way brands pay for eye-level product placement on supermarket shelves. HookLogic, based in New York, has raised $23.5 million in venture funding for its ad product, which shows sponsored search results within retail sites. The company works with all of the aforementioned retailers to sell placements for clients like Reckitt Benckiser. So, a search on Walmart.com for cleaning products might list Lysol as the top result, with a note that the result is sponsored, similar to paid search ads on Google.
一种行之有效的方法是:零售商面向自身网上商店涵盖的品牌销售广告位。这种做法跟各大品牌为自己的产品购买超市货架里的显眼位置非常类似。总部设在纽约的HookLogic公司已经为它开发的广告产品募集了2,350万美元的风投资金,能够在零售站点内显示获得赞助的搜索结果。这家公司目前正在跟上述所有零售商合作,向利洁时公司(Reckitt Benckiser)这类客户销售广告位。比如,访客在沃尔玛网站(Walmart.com)搜索清洁产品时,首先映入眼帘的或许就是利洁时旗下的产品Lysol,网站会提示这是获得赞助的搜索结果——跟谷歌(Google)付费搜索广告服务非常类似。
Meawhile Bazaarvoice, a commerce software company, got into this business when it acquired Longboard Media, an on-site e-commerce advertising network for $43 million in 2012. Triad Retail Media, which works with Wal-Mart, eBay, Dollar General and CVS, claims it is the #1 “retailer monetization agency” in the world, by helping retailers integrate brand advertising into their sites.
与此同时,商务软件公司Bazaarvoice也进入了这个行业,它2012年斥资4,300万美元收购了电子商务网络广告公司Longboard Media。与沃尔玛、eBay、达乐公司(Dollar General)和CVS连锁药店合作的Triad Retail Media公司声称,通过帮助零售商把品牌广告整合到它们的网站,它已经成为全球首屈一指的“零售商货币化机构”。
OwnerIQ sells brand ads to a retailer’s audience after they leave a retailer’s site. This way, “Target can make money even if I don’t buy anything,” OwnerIQ CEO Jay Habegger says. This way brands can hit shoppers with display ads across the Web after they’ve left a commerce site. With north of 300 data partners, OwnerIQ plans to grow revenue by 70% this year. The company today reveals it has raised $6 million in additional funding from its existing investors, bringing the total funds raised to $39 million. The funding is a part of the company’s most recent $5 million in new venture funding, announced earlier this year. Habegger says the company will use the existing funding to strengthen the company’s technology and staff.
Audience monetization is incremental revenue for e-commerce players: A retailer selling $100 million worth of products might make $10 million in profit. They’re already paying to attract the audience, so if they sell $10 million worth of media, they make $10 million in profit. HookLogic customers can earn anywhere between $100,000 for a smaller site to tens of millions in new revenue per year for the bigger sites, Opdyke says. Now, online window-shoppers can browse away — stores have figured out a way to make money on them, regardless of whether they buy anything.