It was a moment to savour for Arnaud Montebourg, France’s flamboyant economy minister who carries the torch for the interventionist left in President François Hollande’s Socialist government.
就在法国政府为通用电气(GE)收购阿尔斯通(Alstom)扫除障碍后,法国工业部长阿诺德•蒙特布赫(Arnaud Montebourg)宣布,在与通用电气的斗争中取得了胜利。
At a dramatic press conference relayed live on television, he proclaimed victory in his tussle with General Electric, titan of US industrial capitalism, over the terms of its takeover of much of the energy group Alstom, symbol of French engineering prowess.
“It is a victory for Alstom, a success for France and undeniably a political success for the return in force of the state in the economy,” Mr Montebourg said.
对于蒙特布赫来说,这是值得回味的一幕。这位为人张扬的部长,一直是法国总统弗朗索瓦•奥朗德(François Hollande)政府中,左倾“干预派”的代表人物。
For him, the key condition of the deal was for the state to become Alstom’s biggest shareholder, acquiring a 20 per cent stake. That will make the French government GE’s main partner in the three areas where GE and Alstom will have 50:50 joint ventures – in power grid operations, renewables and nuclear turbines, with the state holding an additional “golden share” in the latter.
In the end, GE got most of what it really wanted, swallowing whole Alstom’s global coal and gas-fired turbine business. But for Mr Montebourg and the government, an important and longstanding principle of French industrial policy has been upheld: the central role of the state.
There were differences within the government over the Alstom case. Until the last, Mr Montebourg’s preference was for a rival bid he solicited from Siemens. the German group, which ultimately joined forces with Japan’s Mitsubishi Heavy Industries to propose a deal similar in structure to that eventually struck with GE.
Mr Hollande was careful to remain neutral, his team clearly mindful of GE’s long record as a good corporate citizen in France.
法国政府内部在阿尔斯通收购案上也存在分歧。蒙特布赫直到最后一刻还倾向于他从德国集团西门子(Siemens)那里获得的要约。西门子集团联合日本三菱重工(Mitsubishi Heavy Industries)提出了在股权结构上与通用最终达成的交易类似的收购要约。
But there were no arguments over the necessity to step in when news of Alstom’s original plan to make a clean sale of its energy business to GE leaked in April.
“It was perfectly natural for the government to intervene,” said a senior presidential aide, citing the strategic nature of Alstom’s operations, particularly in nuclear power. “Such a deal would have been impossible for a French company in the US,” he added.