An uproar from hundreds of homeless New Yorkers made it clear that Chinese tycoon Chen Guangbiao can't easily win the hearts of Americans. Now some in China are saying that it's time for the eccentric philanthropist--and his cash--to come back home.
Mr. Chen--yes, he of the infamous business card--treated 250 homeless guests to an expensive lunch at Loeb Boathouse in New York City's Central Park on Wednesday. But the recycling magnate backtracked on his plan to hand out $300 in cash to attendees after being told by New York City Rescue Mission officials that the money would be better used by programs treating many of the guests for drug addiction.
陈光标――是的,就是连名片都很出名的那位――在纽约市中央公园的洛布船屋请250名流浪汉吃了一顿豪华午餐。但是这位废品回收大王放弃了向现场流浪汉派发300美元现金的计划,因为纽约市援救任务(New York City Rescue Mission)组织的官员此前告诉他,这笔钱更好的用途是为他招待的许多“客人”治疗毒瘾的项目。
About three dozen volunteer waiters--many of whom state-run China Daily said were Chinese students studying in the U.S.--showed up donning uniforms similar to those once worn by soldiers in China's People's Liberation Army, bearing the words 'Serve the People.'
大约三十多位志愿服务员――据《中国日报》称许多是在美国的中国留学生――穿着红军制服,衣服上面还有 “为人民服务”的字样。
The event was so popular that some couldn't get inside. Some, angered that they couldn't get in or that they weren't going to get the money they had anticipated, hurled curses like 'liar' and 'con man' at Mr. Chen.
Amid all that hostility, back home, some Chinese are saying Mr. Chen's money would be better spent in his own country.
'Was it really worth it? There are still so many poor people in China who need help!' read one Weibo user. 'Looks like it was to get famous!'
'Come on Chen Guangbiao, don't take your show abroad,' read another comment. 'The people in the motherland need you more!'
Others showed empathy for how the whole show went down. One user wrote, 'It's hard to judge. I don't want to criticize other people's methods if they are doing good.'
Although many said they saw the event as an elaborate publicity stunt, some of those in New York were less critical. 'I think he's a good guy and he's helping our country,' Antone Hills, a shelter resident, told the Associated Press.
尽管许多人说,他们把这场活动视为一场精心安排的作秀,但身在纽约的一些人却没有提出那么强烈的批评。住在简陋房屋中的纽约居民希尔斯(Antone Hills)对美联社(Associated Press)表示,他认为陈光标是一个好人,在向美国提供帮助。
Mr. Chen, who made his money in the recycling business, served up a menu of sesame-seed-encrusted tuna, beef filet and berries with crème fraiche. He topped the event off with his own rendition of the song 'We Are the World,' as well as magic tricks. All this added to his bizarre track record, which now includes trying to buy The New York Times, handing out 'Fresh Air' containers on the streets of polluted Beijing and giving out cash on the streets.
陈光标宴请的菜单包括芝麻吞拿鱼、牛排和淋上鲜奶油的浆果。在午宴结束时,他还亲自演唱了《四海一家》(We Are the World),并表演起了魔术。此次宴请是陈光标的又一次另类的慈善和环保行动。之前,他还试图收购《纽约时报》(The New York Times),在北京充满雾霾的街头免费派发罐装新鲜空气,以及在街上撒钱。
There was at least one sour commentator on the Chinese blogosphere: 'Is there something wrong with Chen? Saving money in China for the Americans, to win over Americans politically, to show of philanthropy without borders, I want to curse him, where does he get so much money,' read one comment.
Another Weibo user stood up for Mr. Chen as one of China's own. 'How can they not understand Chen Guangbiao's philanthropy? The funny thing is that you all say you are the backbone of China.'
But if there ever was a statement for a man with a net worth of $750 million that the majority might agree on, it was that 'money can't buy everything.'