FORTALEZA, Brazil — Mexico’s coach, Miguel Herrera, has become an icon during this World Cup for his impassioned exhortations in front of the team bench. Herrera has stomped and stamped, whirled and whipped, flailed and frothed over everything from referee decisions to near misses to, most notably, goals scored by his players.
巴西福塔雷萨——墨西哥队教练米格尔·埃雷拉(Miguel Herrera)已成为这届世界杯上的偶像级人物,这源于他在替补席前的一次次激情释放。从裁判的判罚到差之毫厘的射门,特别是本队球员的得分,一切都能让埃雷拉顿足捶胸、骤然狂奔、手舞足蹈、唾沫横飞。
Among the countless Internet tributes to Herrera is one delightful concoction in which Herrera’s wild gesticulations result in a violent thunderstorm.
Deep into stoppage time here on Sunday, though, Herrera finally stood still. At the far end of the field, Klaas-Jan Huntelaar, a forward for the Netherlands, ran up and lashed a penalty kick into the net. As the Dutch bench erupted, Herrera only stared: His team had been just a few minutes from advancing to the quarterfinals. Instead, it is now going home, surely devastated, after a brutal 2-1 defeat. It is the sixth consecutive World Cup in which Mexico has been eliminated in the Round of 16.
不过,在周日比赛的补时阶段,埃雷拉终于安静了下来。在球场的一端,荷兰前锋克拉斯-扬·亨特拉尔(Klaas-Jan Huntelaar)主罚点球,罚球入网。荷兰的替补席一片欢呼,埃雷拉只是怔怔地看着这一切:他的球队只在几分钟之前还看似即将进入四分之一决赛。球队现在只能回家了,在2比1的残酷结果之后,这毫无疑问让人难以承受。这是墨西哥队连续第六次在世界杯16强阶段被淘汰。
Not surprisingly, Herrera did not leave quietly. In his postgame news conference, he excoriated the referee of the match for awarding the decisive penalty after Arjen Robben dribbled into the area and went down under a challenge from Mexico’s captain, Rafael Márquez.
埃雷拉自然不会默默离开。在赛后的新闻发布会上,他痛斥了裁判在阿尔扬·罗本(Arjen Robben)一次带球进入禁区之后吹罚了点球。当时墨西哥队队长拉法埃尔·马克斯(Rafael Márquez)试图抢断,罗本随后倒地。
To Herrera — and, presumably, just about every Mexico fan at Estádio Castelão — Robben, who is known for embellishing, took a dive. The referee, Pedro Proença of Portugal, saw otherwise.
对于埃雷拉,或许还有卡斯特劳体育场(Estádio Castelão)的每一名墨西哥球迷来说,以动作夸张而闻名的罗本是在“假摔”。但葡萄牙裁判佩德罗·普罗恩萨(Pedro Proença)不这样认为。
“The penalty was an invented penalty,” Herrera said. “Today, it was the man with the whistle who eliminated us from the World Cup.”
He added, “Out of four matches, we had three matches where the refereeing was disastrous.”
Herrera went on to question why the tournament committee had assigned Proença — who is so well regarded that he worked both the Champions League final and the European Championship final in 2012 — to the game at all. Portugal, Herrera said, is Proença’s homeland and is in the same confederation as the Netherlands.
Herrera then called on FIFA, soccer’s governing body, not to assign any more games to Proença.
“We will leave tomorrow or the day after,” he said. “We believe the referee should be going home, too.”
It was an extended bit of petulance from Herrera, who did concede that his players were to blame for allowing the Netherlands an opening in the first place. Through three full games and 88 minutes on Sunday, El Tri had allowed just one goal. But loose defending after a late corner kick allowed Wesley Sneijder the freedom to blast a 20-yard shot past Guillermo Ochoa that tied the game at 1-1.
埃雷拉的这些长篇大论相当任性。他也承认,让荷兰人有空子可钻,本来也是自家球员们的错。在整整三场小组赛中,以及周日这场比赛的前88分钟,墨西哥只丢了一个球。但在临近终场时的一个角球开出之后,松懈的防线给了韦斯利·斯内德(Wesley Sneijder)机会,他在20码外抽射,皮球越过墨西哥门将吉列尔莫·奥乔亚(Guillermo Ochoa),将比分扳成1-1平。
“The tension was unbelievable; I’ve never lived through anything like that,” Daley Blind, a Dutch defender, said. “We couldn’t find our men with our passes in the first half; we struggled to get to the ball. But we came back stronger in the second.”
“当时的紧张气氛是难以想象的,”荷兰的后卫戴利·布林德(Daley Blind)说。“上半场,我们的传球找不到自己人,要拿球很困难。但是下半场我们的情况有所好转。”
Sneijder’s blast was the catalyst, and it must have felt like a sucker punch, too, if only because Mexico had taken the lead in such dramatic fashion. Giovani dos Santos scored his first international goal in two years with a wicked shot from outside the penalty area just after halftime, and once the euphoria subsided, the Mexicans packed in and held off the Netherlands for so long.
斯内德的射门就像是催化剂,而且肯定也给人一种突如其来的感觉,毕竟墨西哥一度戏剧性地领先了比分。下半场刚刚开始,吉奥瓦尼·多斯桑托斯(Giovani dos Santos)就从禁区外一个刁钻的角度地射门成功,这是他两年来在国际比赛中首次射门得分;兴奋感消退后,墨西哥人在很长时间里成功地防住了荷兰队。
By the time the final minutes arrived, Netherlands Coach Louis van Gaal had already pulled his top scorer, Robin van Persie, because of fatigue, and it felt as if Ochoa were impenetrable. He stopped a close-range shot from Stefan de Vrij off a corner kick. He stymied Robben, the wily attacker, when he slipped in along the side and tried to sneak a shot through Ochoa’s legs. He even stopped a Huntelaar shot from about two yards out with a fantastic save, although the Dutch were ruled offside anyway.
比赛临近最后几分钟时,荷兰主帅路易斯·范加尔(Louis van Gaal)已经因疲劳换下了头号射手罗宾·范佩西(Robin van Persie),奥乔亚看上去似乎坚不可摧。他扑出了斯特凡·德弗里伊(Stefan de Vrij)利用角球进行的一次近距离打门。当老谋深算的前锋罗本从侧路逼近,试图隐匿地把球踢过他的腿时,奥乔亚也没有让他得逞。他甚至还神勇地挡出了亨特拉尔大约两码之外的射门,尽管荷兰人越位在先。
All of it made the coda so cruel. Mexico had almost done it, had almost survived the Dutch attack and its own history and, perhaps most of all, the staggering conditions here. The game was played in stifling heat, and the midday sun made it seem as if many of the seats in the lower bowl of the stadium were unsold. In reality, most of the fans in sections where the sun was beating down had retreated to shady areas of the concourses.
The players received FIFA-mandated water breaks midway through both halves, a merciful exception to soccer’s typically nonstop action but, on this day, also a talking point. Van Gaal said afterward that he took full advantage of the second-half cooling break, switching up his formation and using the stoppage to explain to his players precisely what changes he wanted to see.
“I moved to Plan B,” van Gaal said. “That’s a clever way of benefiting from these breaks.”
His adjustments worked. With Dirk Kuyt and Huntelaar, who had fresh legs as a 76th-minute substitute, pushing forward, the Dutch played more long balls and tried to pressure the Mexican defense, which Herrera acknowledged was a bit naïve in not stalling more to protect its lead.
他的调整奏效了。随着迪克·库伊特(Dirk Kuyt)和第76分钟新鲜替补上场的亨特拉尔发起进攻,荷兰人用更长的传球压迫墨西哥防线;埃雷拉承认,他没有采取拖延方式来维护墨西哥的领先优势,这有点天真。
The result was catastrophic for Mexico. First came Sneijder’s lightning bolt that gave the Dutch hope. Then came Robben’s dodging run along the end line and an outstretched leg from Márquez.
Márquez and the Mexicans protested. Robben said afterward that while he did dive once in the first half, the final call was legitimate. In the end, none of it mattered. Proença pointed to the spot. Huntelaar converted. And Herrera, the largest character in this World Cup, barely moved.