Kansas Town Hosting 21st Annual Overbrook Gourmet Dog Meat Festival
The Fine Citizens Of Overbrook, KS Enjoying A Stroll At This Year's Gourmet Dog Meat Festival.
(Overbrook, KS)-- For three generations the modest hamlet of Overbrook, KS has been cooking up a dish that by most American's standards is shockingly taboo. Canines have been on the community's menu since the early 1970s when refugees from the Vietnam war were relocated to the quiet, close-knit township. Grateful for their new-found liberty, the Vietnamese were eager to share many of their ancient customs with their Kansasian neighbors. As 1985 rolled around the Vietnam-born immigrants had gradually moved away, leaving Overbrook once more a predominantly white community. However, the tradition learned from their foreign friends is one that holds strong to this day.
(欧弗布鲁克 堪萨斯)——对于世世代代居住在欧弗布鲁克恬静的村庄上的人们来说,堪萨斯正在烹煮一道,对于大多数美国人来说都是禁忌的菜肴。自从1970年代,越南战争的难民被重新安置在这个安静及闭塞的小镇以来,狗肉一直活跃在这个地方的菜谱上。为了表达对重获新生的感激之情,这些越南人热情的与他们的堪萨斯邻居们分享他们的传统风俗。随着1985年,这些生于越南的移民们从这里搬走,这个小镇的居民重新以白种人为主。然而,居民们从外国朋友那里学来的传统,蓬勃发展,保留至今。
Overbrook, KS held their first official dog meat festival in the fall of 1992, a low key event where villagers brought in their own doggone dishes to be sampled by family and neighbors. Every year attendance has steadily grown and now the event is host to hundreds of hungry townsfolk each clamoring for a taste of all the tail-wagging wares. 2013 finds the town embracing their unique culinary custom and proudly exclaiming to the rest of the country ,"we eat dog and that’s okay!" I took a trip to this charming borough to speak with some of the locals and see what they had to say about their new-found reputation as the dog meat capital of United States.
Sandra Mossley, 41, has lived in Overbrook, KS all her life. She tells National Report about the first time she tasted cooked dog at the tender age of 7."My parents would always put a dog on the roast when it was a special occasion. I can remember being 6, 7 years old, it was New Years Eve and my folks had been cooking an amazing roast for the better part of a day. It filled our house with a savory sent. It was so sweet and tender. The meat was mouth-watering. Falling off the bone. I was hooked. When I asked what it was my parents just smiled and said they would tell me once I was a little older. I was 13 by the time I knew what we had been eating. I was already hooked…"
Sandra Mossley,41岁,从出生到现在一直居住在堪萨斯的欧弗布鲁克。她告诉国家新闻,她在自己7岁的那年,第一次吃了狗肉。“当有特别的节日的时候,我父母总会在烤架上放条狗。我记得大约6、7岁的时候,那天是新年夜,我爸妈利用一天大部分的时间,烹制了一道美味的烤肉。它让我家香气四溢。它尝起来让人觉得温柔而甜蜜,这道菜让人垂涎欲滴,我完全被它迷住了。当我问我父母,这是什么肉时,我爸妈只是微笑着对我说,等你再大一点,我们就告诉你。等我13岁的时候,我知道了我们吃的什么肉,但我已经完全爱上它了。”
Lenard Wilkins, an elder member of the city council was also in attendance. I asked him if the city has caught any flack from neighboring towns because of their taboo tastes.
Lenard Wilkins,参与狗肉美食节的一位市议会的前辈级人物。我问他,是否因为这一其他地区的禁忌菜肴,而导致欧弗布鲁克招致邻里地区的强力批评。
We’re ready for the nation to know what we're about and why it's okay. Get with the times, people. Realize that it's perfectly natural to eat man's best friend. It takes an evolved, open-minded person to break out of these imposed ideas of what is and isn't okay to eat.
He went onto say "We're proud of our heritage. This isn't animal cruelty. Isn't it more humane to eat the animals instead of locking them up in cages in shelters for the rest of their miserable lives? That sounds terrible. We love our own pets but there's a definite separation between pet and food.
PETA has stated plans to picket next years dog meat event. They released the following statement via twitter. "This is ghastly… Dogs are our friends not our food!"
One thing is for certain, these folks definitely know their way around a BBQ pit. I was overwhelmed by their generosity and candid nature. Here I was an outsider yet they treated me as one of their very own.
In closing I wish the people of Overbrook the best of luck in all their future endeavors and look forward to attending the event again next year!