Can too much studying ruin your eyesight? Maybe. A German study has found that the more education a person has, the greater the likelihood that he will be nearsighted.
The researchers did ophthalmological and physical examinations on 4,685 people ages 35 to 74. About 38 percent were nearsighted. But of those who graduated after 13 years in the three-tiered German secondary school system, about 60.3 percent were nearsighted, compared with 41.6 percent of those who graduated after 10 years, 27.2 percent of those who graduated after nine years and 26.9 percent of those who never graduated.
The percentage of myopic people was also higher among university graduates than among graduates of vocational schools or those who had no professional training at all. The study was published online in Ophthalmology.
The association remained after adjusting for age, gender and many known myopia-associated variations in DNA sequences.
“The effect on myopia of the genetic variations is much less than the effect of education,” said the lead author, Dr. Alireza Mirshahi, an ophthalmologist at the University Medical Center in Mainz. “We used to think that myopia was predetermined by genetics. This is one proof that environmental factors have a much higher effect than we thought.”
“遗传差异对近视的影响远小于教育,”论文的第一作者、德国美因茨大学医学中心(University Medical Center)眼科医师阿里-礼萨·米尔沙希博士(Dr. Alireza Mirshahi)说。“我们曾经认为近视是由遗传因素预先决定的。这证明环境因素比我们预想的影响更大。”