The Chinese distributor of Red Bull is buying a stake in the maker of Vita Coco, the top seller of coconut water in the U.S., in the latest sign that China’s thirst for U.S. assets is far from quenched.
红牛(Red Bull)的中国分销商将购买美国头号椰汁销售商Vita Coco的股份,这是中国对美国资产的投资渴望远远没有得到满足的最新迹象。
Vita Coco’s New York-based parent company, All Market, said Monday it is selling a 25% stake for roughly $166 million to Beijing-based Reignwood Group. Reignwood is the parent to Red Bull China, which bought the rights to distribute Red Bull in China from the Austrian energy drink company two decades ago.
Vita Coco位于纽约的母公司All Market周一表示,它正将25%的股份以约1.66亿美元的价格出售给位于北京的华彬集团(Reignwood Group)。华彬集团是红牛中国(Red Bull China)的母公司,红牛中国早在20年前就已从这家奥地利能量饮料公司购买了在中国分销红牛饮料的权力。
The deal is the latest example of China’s M&A boomgobbling up U.S.-based targets, as companies there look to meet the demands of the country’s ever-expanding consumer market. Last year saw the largest acquisition of a U.S. company by a Chinese buyer with Shuanghui International’s $7.1 billion purchase of Virginia-based pork producer Smithfield Foods. Beijing-based tech outfit Lenovo has also been an active shopper in the U.S., having announced its deal to buy Motorola Mobility from Google GOOG for about $2.9 billion earlier this year. Lenovo also recently got approval from Chinese regulators to move ahead with its planned $2.3 billion acquisition of IBM’s IBM computer servers business.
中国企业界正在寻求满足该国不断增长的消费者市场,而这笔交易是中国并购美国目标企业热潮的一个最新例证。去年出现了中国公司收购美国公司的最大并购案:双汇国际(Shuanghui International)以71亿美元收购了维吉尼亚州猪肉加工商史密斯菲尔德食品公司(Smithfield Foods)。位于北京的科技集团联想(Lenovo)也一直是美国资产的积极买主,今年早些时候,它宣布了以约29亿美元从谷歌(Google)收购摩托罗拉移动(Motorola Mobility)的交易。联想最近还获得了中国监管机构的批准,继续推进以23亿美元收购IBM旗下电脑服务器业务的计划。
Red Bull China’s Vita Coco stake purchase values All Market, founded in 2004, at $665 million. The deal gives Red Bull China the right to market Vita Coco in the world’s second largest economy starting next year.
红牛中国收购Vita Coco股份的交易对2004年创立的All Market估值为6.65亿美元。这项交易将使红牛中国有权从明年开始在中国这个世界第二大经济体营销Vita Coco椰汁。
The Chinese company is looking to expand its drink offerings and tap into the growing market for coconut water by bringing the trendy product to the world’s largest population. In roughly a decade, Vita Coco has grown to control about 40% of the U.S. market for coconut water, which saw sales around $500 million last year, according to The Wall Street Journal. The drink company has enlisted the help of several celebrity investors, including Rihanna and Madonna.
这家中国公司准备扩大它提供的饮料数量,将Vita Coco这个新潮产品推向这个世界人口最多的国家,借此挺进不断壮大的椰汁市场。据《华尔街日报》(The Wall Street Journal)报道,在近10年的时间里,Vita Coco已发展成为美国约40%椰汁市场的掌控者,去年销售额达到了5亿美元左右。这家饮料公司目前已经获得了包括蕾哈娜和麦当娜等明星投资者的帮助。
In the deal announcement, Vita Coco co-founder and CEO Michael Kirban noted his company’s growth in markets outside the U.S., including in Europe and Japan. “We expect China to follow suit,” Kirban said.
Vita Coco联合创始人兼CEO迈克尔o科班在这项交易的声明中指出,公司在欧洲和日本等美国之外的市场都获得了增长。科班说:“我们预计中国市场也会遵循这个趋势。”
Last year, Coca-Cola KO took control of the country’s second-largest coconut water seller, Zico. The beverage giant paid an undisclosed amount for full control of Zico after having paid $15 million for a minority stake five years ago. Meanwhile, Pepsi PEP owns a majority stake in coconut water company O.N.E.