Expecting a child this summer? Most births in the U.S. occur in August, with July a close second. If recent patterns hold, the country will welcome more than 700,000 new babies over the summer months.
How much is a child likely to cost you? Estimates range from more than $240,000 (in today's dollars and excluding the cost of college) for a typical child. Add $1.4 million to $2.4 million (including government expenditures such as Medicaid) for a child with a disability such as autism.
At the same time your expenses will increase, your household income may decrease. Now is the time to update your financial plan to reflect some new realities.
Beef up your emergency fund. 'I think this is the first and most important step from a budgetary standpoint,' says Jake Loescher, a financial adviser with Rockford, Ill.-based Savant Capital Management, and a new dad himself.
加大应急资金的规模。位于伊利诺斯州罗克福德的Savant Capital Management的财务顾问勒舍尔(Jake Loescher)称,从预算角度来看,这是第一步,也是最重要的一步。勒舍尔最近初为人父。
Assuming you already have a cash reserve equaling three to six months of living expenses, 'you have to increase the size of that emergency fund to account for all your new costs,' says Mr. Loescher. These might include infant formula, baby clothes and especially diapers, which are 'crazy expensive' in Mr. Loescher's experience. (He also was surprised by how fast you go through them.) His household expenses went up $200 to $300 a month after his son was born; diapers alone were up to half of the increase.
Many investors skimp on the emergency fund, reasoning they can always pause funding their retirement plan in a pinch. Mr. Loescher calls this 'the No. 1 mistake new parents make.' What starts as skipping a few contributions to the 401(k) often ends with raiding the balance to put a child through college. Don't go there.
Budget for child-care costs. Mr. Loescher is fortunate that his mother-in-law cares for his son while he and his wife work. At an average cost of $18,000 a year, child care is the biggest line item for many families -- even bigger than food or housing -- yet nearly half don't budget for it, according to a recent survey by Care.com, an online matchmaking service for families and care givers.
Some 84% of single parents work and 63% of families have two working parents, so child care is often a necessity, the survey found.
Even if one spouse becomes a stay-at-home parent, 'you have the obvious loss of income, which you have to budget for,' says Mr. Loescher.
'Parental productivity loss' totaled $18,720 a year in a study of the costs of autism. The figure reflects wages parents forgo to care for children with autism, and is one of the largest costs to these families, says David Mandell, director of the Center for Mental Health Policy and Services Research at the University of Pennsylvania and senior author of the study.
一项对自闭症的研究发现,每年的父母生产力损失总额为18,720美元。宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania)精神健康政策及服务研究中心的负责人、这项研究的第一作者曼德尔(David Mandell)说,这一数字代表的是,父母为了照顾患有自闭症的儿童而放弃的薪水,这是此类家庭最大的支出项目之一。
Cover yourself. 'Another big mistake people make is failing to plan for the unexpected death of one spouse or the other,' says Mr. Loescher. If the primary breadwinner dies prematurely, the surviving spouse might be hard-pressed to cover the mortgage, car loan, living expenses, any miscellaneous debts and, if it's your intention, college tuition. (The total estimated tab for raising a typical child rises to nearly half a million dollars if you include the cost of private college.)
Life insurance can help fill the void, but the older you are the more it will cost you, if you can get it at all. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention show the number of couples starting families later in life continues to rise. In 2012 there were more than nine times as many first-time mothers age 35 and over than there were four decades ago. Older parents 'might not be able to qualify for life insurance, or it could be more expensive,' says Sheila Gugliuzza, a managing director in the Chicago office of TIAA-CREF.
寿险有助于填补上述空白,但是你年龄越大,你的寿险成本就越高(在你能得到寿险的前提下)。美国疾病控制和预防中心(Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)的数据显示,晚育夫妇数量继续上升。2012年,年龄不低于35岁的、首次生子的女性数量是40年前的九倍多。TIAA-CREF芝加哥办公室的董事总经理古柳扎(Sheila Gugliuzza)说,年龄较大的父母要么可能无法获得寿险,要么其寿险成本可能更加昂贵。
For example, a $500,000 universal life-insurance policy -- which builds cash value -- from TIAA-CREF would cost about $3,600 a year for a healthy 40-year-old man, $5,700 a year for a 50-year-old, and $9,300 a year for a 60-year-old. TIAA-CREF's new online planning tool, Life Wizard, can help you assess your life-insurance needs.
例如,对于一名健康的40岁男子来说,TIAA-CREF价值50万美元的、有现金增值功能的万能寿险将带来约3,600美元的年成本;对于50岁男子来说,年成本为5,700美元;对于60岁男子来说,年成本为9,300美元。TIAA-CREF新的在线规划工具Life Wizard能帮助你评估自己的寿险需求。