Las Cascada Water Park
Las Cascada 水上乐园
Location: Aguadilla, Puerto Rico
Highlight: Beautiful scenery
Las Cascada is well-known for its incredible beauty. It is surrounded by tropical mountain forests and situated close to the ocean. Its attractions include the Crazy River pool, which simulates the nearby ocean waves. Visitors can let the water splash over them without worrying about the salt water stinging their faces.
Las Cascada因其美不胜收的景色而远近闻名。它被热带丛林环绕,坐落在大海之滨。其著名景点 “疯狂泳池”拥有和旁边大海一样的模拟海浪,游客可以享受水花四溅的感觉,而不必担心脸被咸咸的海水刺激到。
The water ride, El Rio Pasivo, carries riders through the whole water park. They can see the mountains and waterfalls around it.
而名为El Rio Pasivo的水滑梯则可以让游客环绕整个水上乐园,将乐园周围的山峦和瀑布尽收眼底。