The latest wave of anti-trust investigations in China – first Qualcomm and now Microsoft and the ongoing criminal investigations involving GSK – is having an unsettling effect on global supply chains across a variety of industry sectors.
But instead of planning an exodus, Western businesses should avoid over reacting and focus on finding new, appropriate strategies that will allow them to stay and profit from doing business in the world’s fastest-growing consumer market.
Of course, any business thinking about shifting operations to China in order to gain access to its developing marketplace should do so with its eyes fully open. Businesses that go there simply seeking to profit from their exposure to the market will be unlikely to find that things run smoothly.
The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the agency responsible for administrative control of the Chinese economy, will be more inclined to spot corrupt or anti-competitive working practices in businesses that are only interested in profiting from China rather than those that are bringing something valuable to the country that will enable its economy to grow in the future.
Simply put, if China doesn’t feel it is learning from a business, or a business is just exploiting an advantage it has, it will gently or abruptly stop it (for example with import tariffs or corruption investigations, or more subtly with changes to joint venture ownerships, ease of doing business, or taxation).

Businesses that are providing Chinese people with an opportunity to learn how to manufacture premium parts for the automotive or aerospace industries, for example, or gain knowledge of innovative technologies, will be more welcome and accommodated.
Once this degree of market control is understood, Western businesses will realise that any business opportunity in China comes with strings and a time window attached – it may last five or ten years, or possibly longer, but it will be finite without evolution. If businesses become too big, they tend to be brought firmly under state control, or managed so as not to get too powerful or influential.
From an outsider’s viewpoint, it may seem that Western companies have become less welcome in China lately, but this has never been further from the truth. The Chinese Government is desperate for its industries to move up the value chain so they can pay higher salaries and give Chinese people the job prospects and increased buying power they demand. They need Western businesses to help them to achieve this and scaring companies away is definitely not what they want.
Despite this, the NDRC’s latest swoop on Western businesses could seem arbitrary (even though it’s not) and it is certainly politically motivated. However, we should realise that Western approaches to inbound trading are not that dissimilar. In Europe and the US, governments would probably seek to slap a tariff on any goods entering the marketplace if they faced little or no domestic competition (duties can also be added on to protect local competition). Is the NDRC’s action really that different?
While pulling out of China would be an over-reaction, some Western companies that are already operating there or those thinking about entering the marketplace, may need to find new strategies to minimise the associated risks.
A business will not be successful unless it recognises the need to provide a service in educating the local market, and is happy in doing so, in addition to selling its product or technology. By going in to business with a local partner, a planned strategy is put in place. The local partner will usually receive significant capital or taxation incentives, on top of the benefit gained by working with and learning from an incoming company.
That said, a decent window of opportunity in a large market as well as working with a partner who the government is supporting and intending to make successful, can deliver a compelling business case and unique competitive advantage.
They should start by making sure their own corruption and anti-bribery policies are robust and, where necessary, to make sure that local expertise is employed to guide them on the correct protocols. In this way, businesses will be doing what they can to manage their risks from the start. If they later find themselves the focus of an anti-trust probe, the worst they could be accused of would be ‘monopolistic pricing’, which from a rest-of-the-world perspective at least, would be less an indication of corruption and more of a company that was the victim of its own success.
Another way to minimise risk would be to avoid over exposure to the marketplace in the first place. As tempting as it may seem given the size of the Chinese marketplace, rather than going full throttle to maximise sales there, it may be sensible to spread risk and seek entry to some other fast-developing Asian countries at the same time – and there are plenty to go for.
It may also be possible to hedge against the risk of facing an anti-trust investigation by making sure your business interests in the country are firmly tied up in a joint venture, which is in fact a statutory requirement. This will ensure that Chinese people can learn from the services and knowledge you are bringing with you and can develop this commercially in the future.
Finally, when it comes to reputational risk, businesses should take a balanced view. It would be easy to let such risks make their decision-making too risk averse, particularly when they see the headlines that anti-trust probes in China generate. It is important to remember that the rest of the world understands that China is a strictly-controlled marketplace and will remain that way.
Roy Williams is managing director at Vendigital, a firm of procurement and supply chain specialists, operating globally and across industry sectors. As part of its international footprint, the company has a base in Hong Kong.