Winning streaks in sports may be more than just magical thinking, several new studies suggest.
Whether you call them winning streaks, "hot hands" or being "in the zone," most sports fans believe that players, and teams, tend to go on tears. Case in point: Nate Robinson's almost single-handed evisceration of the Miami Heat on Monday night. (Yes, I am a Bulls fan.)
不管你把它们叫作连胜,“手感发烫”还是“正在状态”,绝大多数体育爱好者都相信,球员与球队会继续将这种情况保持下去。举个例子:5月7日晚,内特·罗宾逊(Nate Robinson)几乎仅凭一己之力就将迈阿密热火碾压成渣(是的,我是公牛队的球迷)。
But our faith in hot hands is challenged by a rich and well-regarded body of science over the past 30 years, much of it focused on basketball, that tells us our belief is mostly fallacious. In one of the first and best-known of these studies, published in 1985, scientists parsed records from the Philadelphia 76ers, the Boston Celtics and the Cornell University varsity squad and concluded that players statistically were not more likely to hit a second basket after sinking a first. But players and fans believed that they were, so a player who had hit one shot would be likely to take the team's next, and teammates would feed this "hot" player the ball.

Other studies showed that fans supported and bet on teams that they thought were on a hot streak, even though these bets rarely paid off. Our belief in them revealed how strongly humans want to impose order and meaning on utterly random sequences of events.
Now, however, some new studies that use huge, previously unavailable data sets are suggesting that, in some instances, hands can ignite, and the success of one play can indeed affect the outcome of the next.
In the most wide-ranging of the new studies, Gur Yaari, a computational biologist at Yale, and his colleagues gathered enormous amounts of data about an entire season's worth of free throw shooting in the N.B.A. and 50,000 games bowled in the Professional Bowlers Association. Subjecting these numbers to extensive (and, to the layperson, inscrutable) statistical analysis, they tried to determine whether the success or failure of a free throw or a bowling frame depended on what had just happened in the competitor's last attempt. In other words, if someone had just sunk a free throw or rolled a strike, was the person more likely to succeed immediately afterward? Or were the odds about the same as tossing a coin and seeing how it landed?
作为内容最为广泛的一项新研究,来自耶鲁大学的计算生物学家古尔·雅里(Gur Yaari)与他的同事收集到了NBA某个完整赛季的所有罚球数据以及5万场职业保龄球协会比赛的比赛数据。对这些数字进行深入的(对外行人来说则是高深莫测的)数据分析之后,他们试图推断出篮球比赛中一次罚球或者保龄球赛中一次投球的成功或失败是否会取决于参赛者上一次尝试的结果。用另一句话说,如果某个人刚刚投进了一次罚球,或打出了一次全中,这个人在紧接着的下一次投球中会更有可能成功吗?还是说,这其实与把一枚硬币扔到半空中,看它是如何着陆的是一个道理?
In these big sets of data, which were far larger than those used in, for instance, the 1985 basketball study, success did slightly increase the chances of subsequent success — though generally over a longer time frame than the next shot. Basketball players experienced statistically significant and recognizable hot periods over an entire game or two, during which they would hit more free throws than random chance would suggest. But they would not necessarily hit one free throw immediately after the last.
Similarly, bowlers who completed a high-scoring game were more likely to roll strikes in the next game. But a strike in one frame of each game was not statistically likely to lead to a strike in the next frame.
Hot streaks have some relevance in volleyball as well, as a 2012 study helpfully titled "The Hot Hand Exists in Volleyball" explores. Researchers at the German Sport University in Cologne examined match results for 26 elite volleyball players and identified statistically meaningful scoring streaks among half of them. The researchers also found that when a players got hot, teammates and coaches responded almost immediately in ways that moved the ball to the streaking player, increasing the team's likelihood of winning.
就像2012年一个开宗明义的研究《滚烫手感存在于排球比赛》( “The Hot Hand Exists in Volleyball" )所指出的那样,连胜现象在排球中也存在相关性。德国科隆体育大学对26位顶尖排球运动员的比赛结果进行了分析,在其中半数的运动员身上发现了在统计学上具有意义的连胜现象。研究者们还发现,当一位运动员手感发热时,队友与教练都会立刻做出反应,把球交到这位状态正佳的球员手中,来提高球队取胜的可能性。
But if winning streaks have some rational basis, then by inference so would losing streaks, which makes the latest of the new studies, of basketball game play, particularly noteworthy. In that analysis, published last month in the journal Psychological Science, Yigal Attali, who holds a doctorate in cognitive psychology, scrutinized all available shooting statistics from the 2010-11 N.B.A. season.
但是如果连胜有了合理性的基础,那由此可以推出,连败也是真实存在的,这让针对篮球比赛的一个最新研究尤其值得一提。在4月份于《心理科学》期刊上发表的该研究中,认知心理学博士伊加尔·阿塔利(Yigal Attali)仔细分析了2010-2011赛季NBA所有可使用的投篮数据。
He found that a player who drained one shot was more likely than chance would suggest to take the team's next shot — and also more likely than chance would suggest to miss it.
Essentially, he found that in real games, players developed anti-hot hands. A momentary success bred immediate subsequent failure.
The reason for this phenomenon might be both psychological and practical, Dr. Attali wrote; players seemed to take their second shots from farther out than their first ones, perhaps because they felt buoyed by that last success. They also were likely to be defended more vigorously after a successful shot, since defenders are as influenced by a belief in hot hands as anyone else.
But what the findings underscore, more subtly, is that patterns do exist within the results. The players were more likely to miss after a successful shot. And this anti-hot hand phenomenon, said Dr. Yaari, who is familiar with the study, was itself a pattern. "It is not completely random and independent" of past results, he said.
These new studies do not undermine the validity of the magisterial past research on hot hands, but expand and augment it, Dr. Yaari and the other authors say, adding even more human complexity. Yes, we probably imagine and desire patterns where they do not exist. But it may be that we also are capable of sensing and responding to some cues within games and activities that are almost too subtle for most collections of numbers to capture.
"I think that our minds evolved to be sensitive to these kinds of patterns," Dr. Yaari said, "since they occur frequently in nature."
And that is enough encouragement for me to believe that, against all rational expectations, the Bulls will carry the series against Miami. They're hot.