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来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
“Forty-two is the number Deep Thought gave as being the Ultimate Answer.”“42是‘深思’给出的数字,是终极答案。”
And the Earth is the computer Deep Thought designed and built to calculate the Question to the Ultimate Answer.”“地球是‘深思’设计和建造的电脑,用来研究这个终极答案所对应的问题。”
“So we are led to believe.”“我们是这样认为的。”
“And organic life was part of the computer matrix.”“有机生命是电脑母体的一部分,”
“If you say so.”“如果你要这么说的话,”
“I do say so. That means that these natives, these apemen are an integral part of the computer program, and that we and the Golgafrinchans are not.”“我是这么说的:这就意味着,这些土著人,这些猿人,是电脑程序必备的组成部分,而我们和高尔伽弗林查姆人却不是。”
“But the cavemen are dying out and the Golgafrinchans are obviously set to replace them.”“可是穴居人正在灭绝,高尔伽弗林查姆人显然将取代他们。”
“Exactly. So do you see what this means?”“正是这样,所以,你一定能看出这意味着什么。”
“Cock up,” said Ford Prefect.“抬头看!”福特长官说。
Arthur looked around him.阿瑟四下看了看。
“This planet is having a pretty bloody time of it,” he said.“这颗行星目前的情况不太妙。”他说。
Ford puzzled for a moment.搞特愣了愣,
“Still, something must have come out of it,” he said at last, “because Marvin said he could see the Question printed in your brain wave patterns.”“不过,它一定还是计算出了一些东西,”他晟后说,“因为马文曾经说过,他能够看见那个问题,就印在你的脑波网形中。,,
“Probably the wrong one, or a distortion of the right one. It might give us a clue though if we could find it. I don’t see how we can though.”“可能是个错误的问题,或者是正确的问题的变形。但如果我们能把它找小束,它也许会给我们提供一条线索。不过,我看不出我们怎么才能办到这一点,”
They moped about for a bit. Arthur sat on the ground and started pulling up bits of grass, but found that it wasn’t an occupation he could get deeply engrossed in. It wasn’t grass he could believe in, the trees seemed pointless, the rolling hills seemed to be rolling to nowhere and the future seemed just a tunnel to be crawled through.他们为此闷闷不乐了好一阵。阿瑟坐在地上,开始拔草,但他银快就发现,这不是一件能_止他专心投人的事情。他不能指望草,树看上去也不管用,绵延的群山看上去不知要绵延到何方,未来看上去则像一条窄道,只能由此通过,
Ford fiddled with his Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic. It was silent. He sighed and put it away.福特瞎摆弄着他的亚以太感应器。它仍然毫无声息。他叹了口气,把它放到一边。
Arthur picked up one of the letter stones from his home-made Scrabble set. It was a T. He sighed and out it down again. The letter he put down next to it was an I. That spelt IT. He tossed another couple of letters next to them They were an S and an H as it happened. By a curious coincidence the resulting word perfectly expressed the way Arthur was feeling about things just then. He stared at it for a moment. He hadn’t done it deliberately, it was just a random chance. His brain got slowly into first gear.阿瑟从他自制的拼字游戏盘上捡起一块字母石块。是个“T”。他叹了口气,又把它放了回去。放回去后,它旁边的字母是“I’。它们拼成了‘它’,他顺手又捡起旁边的两块石头扔了出去。一个“s”和一个“H”出于一种奇怪的巧合,这样所得到的那个词恰如其讣地表达了思索当前的感受。他盯着它瞧了一会儿。他并不是有意这么做的,这只是一个随机的偶然事件。他的脑子慢慢地挂到了一档,起步。
“Ford,” he said suddenly, “look, if that Question is printed in my brain wave patterns but I’m not consciously aware of it it must be somewhere in my unconscious.”“福特,”他突然说,“你瞧,如果耶个问题印在我的脑波网形中,而我却意识不到它,耶它一定足藏在我的潜意识中的某个地方。”
“Yes, I suppose so.”“是啊,我想是这样:”
“There might be a way of bringing that unconscious pattern forward.”“一定有什么办法把这种潜意识给呈现出来。”
“Oh yes?”“噢,足吗?”

“Forty-two is the number Deep Thought gave as being the Ultimate Answer.”
And the Earth is the computer Deep Thought designed and built to calculate the Question to the Ultimate Answer.”
“So we are led to believe.”
“And organic life was part of the computer matrix.”
“If you say so.”
“I do say so. That means that these natives, these apemen are an integral part of the computer program, and that we and the Golgafrinchans are not.”
“But the cavemen are dying out and the Golgafrinchans are obviously set to replace them.”
“Exactly. So do you see what this means?”
“Cock up,” said Ford Prefect.
Arthur looked around him.
“This planet is having a pretty bloody time of it,” he said.
Ford puzzled for a moment.
“Still, something must have come out of it,” he said at last, “because Marvin said he could see the Question printed in your brain wave patterns.”
“Probably the wrong one, or a distortion of the right one. It might give us a clue though if we could find it. I don’t see how we can though.”
They moped about for a bit. Arthur sat on the ground and started pulling up bits of grass, but found that it wasn’t an occupation he could get deeply engrossed in. It wasn’t grass he could believe in, the trees seemed pointless, the rolling hills seemed to be rolling to nowhere and the future seemed just a tunnel to be crawled through.
Ford fiddled with his Sub-Etha Sens-O-Matic. It was silent. He sighed and put it away.
Arthur picked up one of the letter stones from his home-made Scrabble set. It was a T. He sighed and out it down again. The letter he put down next to it was an I. That spelt IT. He tossed another couple of letters next to them They were an S and an H as it happened. By a curious coincidence the resulting word perfectly expressed the way Arthur was feeling about things just then. He stared at it for a moment. He hadn’t done it deliberately, it was just a random chance. His brain got slowly into first gear.
“Ford,” he said suddenly, “look, if that Question is printed in my brain wave patterns but I’m not consciously aware of it it must be somewhere in my unconscious.”
“Yes, I suppose so.”
“There might be a way of bringing that unconscious pattern forward.”
“Oh yes?”


重点单词   查看全部解释    
planet ['plænit]


n. 行星

matrix ['meitriks]


n. 母体,子宫,细胞,脉石,矩阵

random ['rændəm]


adj. 随机的,随意的,任意的
adv. 随

tunnel ['tʌnl]


n. 隧道,地道
v. 挖隧道,挖地道

coincidence [kəu'insidəns]


n. 巧合,同时发生

deliberately [di'libəritli]


adv. 慎重地,故意地

pointless ['pɔintlis]


adj. 不尖的,钝的,不得要领的

replace [ri(:)'pleis]


vt. 取代,更换,将物品放回原处

organic [ɔ:'gænik]


adj. 器官的,有机的,根本的,接近自然的

distortion [dis'tɔ:ʃən]


n. 扭曲,变形,曲解





